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Episode 164 - Dogopedia and Harry the Labradale

Released Sun December 13, 2015
Length: 0:58:56
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Dogopedia is a great little book, it's got loads of both entertaining and educational facts in it. It's basically a book any dog lover would find interesting.

 - Nathalie Ingham

Nathalie Ingham explains what you will find in Dogopedia.

Nathalie Ingham explains what you will find in Dogopedia.
Click on photo for larger image.

Dogopedia is a compendium of dog information that will delight any dog lover.

Dogopedia is a compendium of dog information that will delight any dog lover.
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Battersea Dogs and Cats Home has brought out a great new book called Dogopedia. It's a compendium of  informative and entertaining dog related facts.  To find out more about Dogopedia, listen to Natalie Ingham talking about the book. Natalie is a very experienced dog trainer and features  is Battersea's Ask The Expert. In this interview you can hear her talk about some of the contents of Dogopedia, such as do dogs feel guilt? Do our dogs know when we're coming home? What makes a pedigree breed? Are some breeds "made up"? Which breeds haven't ever had a job? Plus do you know the story of the choking Doberman?

To find out more about the work that Battersea do and about Dogopedia, visit their website, and to buy the book go to Amazon. Dogopedia was written by Justine Hawkins, former pet's editor at the Guardian.

Harry Labradale Farley

We had a panel of judges watching us and Ben Fogle was the presenter. So when we'd done our little trick we had to sit down and Ben gave us an interview and he asked how did I teach the stacking cups trick.

 - Chris Farley

Chris and Harry have fun as well as achieving a lot.

Chris and Harry have fun as well as achieving a lot.
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Harry uses his teeth and paws to carry out complicated tasks.

Harry uses his teeth and paws to carry out complicated tasks.
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Harry keeps in touch with his fans online.

Harry keeps in touch with his fans online.
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When Chris Farley was intrigued with a dog described as a mini Labrador, whom she hoped would take to training and possibly enjoy agility, she had no idea just how well Harry would indeed take to training. Together, they have delighted crowds at Crufts and The London Dog Show, and even been on BBC TV. Harry is not just clever and willing, he is incredibly dexterous, and is able to complete quite fiddly behaviours with flourish and enjoyment. In this interview, Chris talks with humour and affection about how she trains Harry, what it's like to go into the main arena at the most prestigious dog show in the world, and what life's like at home - and on holiday - with such an intelligent dog.

To find out more about Harry and what he can achieve visit his Facebook profile and his page.
To see him in action with his equally clever friend Tammy, visit the Tammy and Harry Productions page. 

DogCast Radio News

In the DogCast Radio News hear the story of the little girl who asked Santa to bring her lost dog home. Did you know the world's first IVF puppies have been born to a surrogate mother - but what implications does this have for dogs and humans? Scientists have developed a new theory that selfish canine mothers aided the process of domestication. Plus find out what the most popular dog names of 2015 are, and what factors have influenced naming trends this year.

Thanks for another year sharing anything and everything dog related. We'll be back with more in 2016.