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Episode 163 - Let your dog sniff and K9 Rescue International

Released Sat November 28, 2015
Length: 1:05:44
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Yaletown Dog Training

If you're taking your dog on a walk to give him exercise, sniffing is mentally stimulating and will help burn energy better than him walking like a robot next to you.

 - Sarah Pennington

Sarah advises letting your dog sniff during a walk to stimulate his brain.
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Sarah Pennington with her dogs.
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When DogCast Radio host Julie came across Sarah Pennington's advice to let your dog sniff while out on a walk she was intrigued. So many trainers advise owners to maintain rigid control of their dog while out walking, it was interesting to find a trainer who advised letting your dog have some quality sniffing time. Sarah believes that we need to make our dogs want to do the behaviour we are trying to train - and that makes a lot of sense, because if our dog doesn't want to join in with us, there's not a lot we can achieve.

Sarah talks about the benefits of stimulating your dog's brain to keep him happy and busy -  and she has some great ideas for activities your dog will relish, using items you'll find around the house. To find out more about Sarah you can visit her Facebook page,  which regularly contains great training advice, and you can also visit her Yaletown Dog Training website too. And if you follow her advice and let your dog have a sniff to enrich his walk, do let us know how you get on.  

K9 Rescue International

A lot of the rescues in eastern Europe are just individual young women or men that love animals and they do it their selves - they take the dogs off the street if they need veterinary treatment and this that and the other. So we try to empower the smaller rescues over there.

 - Jayne Jones

Jordan has found happiness thanks to K9 Rescue International.
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Curry lives with Jayne now.
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Lucy tastes the good life.
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Roshi's cheeky character shines through.
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Jayne has ensured Joshua has got the help he needs.
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Bobi proves that a disability doesn't prevent happiness.
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Ruby, Jayne's dog who has welcomed Curry.
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Jayne Jones was so touched by the plight of dogs in Bulgaria that she and fellow dog lover Michelle set up their own rescue. K9 Rescue International has now changed countless dogs' lives - many times when nobody else thought the dog could go to have any kind of life, let alone a happy one. But Jayne has a huge heart, and she devotes her time, money, effort - and most of all her love - to dogs who need help. In this interview Jayne talks about some of the dogs who now have happy new homes thanks to her.

Despite being a vegetarian Jayne is a raw feeding enthusiast as she feels it is the best diet for the dogs in her care. Some of the dogs who Jayne intended to foster have found their forever homes with her - and those who go on to new homes take a piece of her heart with them. To find out more about the force of nature that is Jayne Jones, and to support the rescue's work, visit the K9 Rescue International website or Facebook page.


Here at DogCast Radio we love a dog who gets a happy ending, and Daisy the Chihuahua got her happy ever after despite being abandoned in Los Angeles at just two months old. A Home 4Ever Rescue found Daisy a new loving home, and her new owners got her a wheelchair initially, and now she has prosthetic limbs. Hear the full story in the show, and watch a video of Daisy enjoying life with her new prosthetic limbs.

We all know that dogs can get themselves into difficult situations, but which breeds do you think are the most - and least - accident prone? Hear more in  the show, and read more here.  When Julia Hassett adopted a rescue dog, she had no idea to what extent the dog would enhance her life. Hear their story in the show, and read the moving thank you letter Julia wrote to the rescue who gave her the dog here.