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Episode 159 - Among the Wolves

Released Sun July 26, 2015
Length: 0:44:55
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Among The Wolves

Toni with a friends dog, Rosie. Photo taken by Anne Carter, Labrador Lifeline Trust.
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I turned up having seen wolves in zoos who ran away from you and paced behind, and these wolves all ran up to the fence wagging their tails and inviting touch.

 - Toni Shelbourn
Wolves don't just look you in the eye, it's almost like they look you in the soul - they just absolutely figure you out within seconds.

 - Toni Shelbourn
I'd started to forget some of the little things, like them howling as you left in the morning after letting them out. You'd drive up the drive and they'd howl for you to come back.

 - Toni Shelbourn

In this show you can hear Toni Shelbourne talking about her latest book, "Among The Wolves". Toni was for many years a Senior Handler and Education Officer at the UK Wolf Conservation Trust, and during that time she interacted with wolves in many ways. Listen as Toni shares what it's like to raise wolf cubs, to train wolves, to ensure they have happy stimulating lives, to educate the public - and to be there for a wolf you've lived with and loved as his life comes to an end. Toni has had amazing experiences with her beloved wolves, and it's fascinating to have an insight into a world only a privileged few gain entry.

To find out more about Toni,  her other books and her work as a Tellington Touch practitioner visit her website, or contact her via her Facebook page, The Truth About Wolves and Dogs, or her Twitter page @tonishelbourne. Or visit Hubble and Hattie, Toni's publishers. You can also hear Toni talking about her other book, The Truth About Wolves and Dogs in Episode 140 of DogCast Radio.

Other items

Host Julie discusses some of the odd things that dogs have been swallowing lately, and hitting the headlines for doing so. These items include golf balls, hair bands, underwear, an engagement ring and a riding crop. If your dog has swallowed anything odd, do let us know. Or if your dog has a habit of swallowing potentially dangerous things, how do you keep them safe?

In this episode you can hear who the winner of our Woof! competition is. Thanks to all who entered the competition via our social media pages, and congratulations to Lizzie Owen who won.

Finally, don't forget that if you're looking for an entertaining book to while away those summer days, check out Julie's book Macie's Choice, which puts the reader in charge of the plot, offering two choices at the end of every chapter. With over a million and a half words - that's over 5,000 pages, 256 chapters and 128 different endings - this may be the only book you need this summer! Available on Amazon.
