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Episode 158 - K9 Project and Get Healthy, Get a Dog

Released Sat June 20, 2015
Length: 1:05:41
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K9 Project

Chris and Billy are part of the inspiring K9 Project.

Chris and Billy are part of the inspiring K9 Project.
Click on photo for larger image.

Chris has written a book about the amazing experiences the K9 Project has given her.

Chris has written a book about the amazing experiences the K9 Project has given her.
Click on photo for larger image.

Working with dogs works especially well for children who
don't have very much self-confidence. So we've worked in schools where we're working with children who are bullied - and we've also done work with children who are bullies.

 - Chris Kent

Chris Kent is the Project Founder and Programme Lead of the K9 Project, which aims to help people, help dogs help people. It's an amazing initiative that is achieving that admirable aim in many different ways. The K9 Project works alongside young people, families and those who face various challenges in life. Chris talks about not only the many ways the Project is touching and changing lives, but also the amazing dogs she has brought together. The power of a dog to enhance and heal humans is a wonderful thing, and to learn more about the K9 Project, you can visit their website, or their Facebook or Twitter page.

Get healthy get a dog

A dog helps with whole person wellness - helps the body, the mind and the spirit.

 - Chris Kent

Those of  us who live with dogs already know how much our lives are enriched and enhanced by our canine companions - but it's great to have those benefits confirmed by medical professionals. Dr Elizabeth Frates is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. She hasn't always been a fan of dogs, in fact she used to be terrified of them (as you can hear in this interview), but now she has discovered the joy of dogs, both personally and professionally. She shares her newfound knowledge in her special medical report, Get Healthy, Get a Dog.

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Buddy has had to have three lumps removed.

Buddy has had to have three lumps removed.
Click on photo for larger image.

In this show you can also hear how one photographer took on Black Dog Syndrome, by taking beautiful shots of black dogs in his own basement. The resultant book of pooch portraits Black Dogs Project is due out in autumn 2015, and you can see some of Fred Levy's gorgeous photography on his Canine Noir Tumblr page.

Meanwhile, DogCast Radio's own black dog, Buddy, has been having some more health issues. He's had three more lumps removed, and we're all keeping our fingers crossed for good news from the vet, and that none of the lumps turns out to be a mast cell tumour.