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Episode 154 - Pre Crufts special

Released Sat February 7, 2015
Length: 1:10:35
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Kimberley Barton

Hanibald with Kimberly of  Samala Rottweilers

Hanibald with Kimberly of Samala Rottweilers
Click on photo for larger image.

Crufts is the show of the year - but it's just another dog show and you go there, you enjoy being in the company of your friends, you meet and make new friends, and anything you gain in the ring is a big bonus.

 - Kimberley Barton

Most people know Crufts as a top dog show, and in this show we talk to Kimberley Barton who will be handling her dog, Kai, a two and a half year old Great Swiss Mountain dog on that famous green carpet. But how do you make sure a dog is looking his best? And what's the day in the spotlight like for both dog and handler? Listen and find out. Find Kimberley's Rottweilers online on Facebook, as well as her Swissies, and you can visit the Great Swiss Mountain Dog Club website too.

Toni Shelbourne

Toni Shelbourne with one of her beautiful wolves

Toni Shelbourne with one of her beautiful wolves
Click on photo for larger image.

Toni Shelbourne is an author and Tellington Touch practitioner, but she'll be at Crufts addressing dog trainers about her book The Truth About Wolves and Dogs. Toni's experience working for many years as a senior handler and education officer for the UK Wolf Conservation Trust allowed her many invaluable insights into how wolf behaviour can help inform our training, and she'll be at Crufts sharing that knowledge. But what is her personal connection to the show?

Jenny Deakin

You can watch many canine sports at Crufts, and one of the most popular is Heelwork to Music. Jenny Deakin is the Crufts Dog Activities Heelwork to Music Team Leader, which requires her to put together a team of handlers and dogs who can dance together and inspire the public. How does Jenny choose her team? Which breeds make the final cut? And how long does it take her to select the music and think up the choreography?

Jodie Forbes

Did you know that there are grooming competitions at Crufts? Young Kennel Club member Jodie Forbes will be at Crufts participating in a grooming competition with one of her Border Terriers. But Jodie is already an old hand at Crufts as she's already competed in the main arena twice before in other competitions. Jodie and her dogs have fun together, but they've also achieved a lot, and this interview shows that the dog world has some wonderful rising stars to shape the future of the dog world. Catch up with Jodie, Bramble and Hazel at their Performing Pooches Facebook page, and see them in action on You Tube.

Lyn Tozer

Lyn Tozer and her dog Shambles will be competing in the Bitch Obedience Championship, and when you hear the details of the tasks Shambles will have to complete, you'll have a whole new level of admiration for these amazing obedience dogs. Hear Lyn explain how beginner obedience competitors are also being encouraged to compete at the show.

Laura Patricia

I absolutely love Crufts. I actually legitimately get more
excited about Crufts than I do about Christmas!

 - Laura Patricia

Laura Patricia from Dogs in The News will be at the show sniffing out interesting stories, and her preparations for the show have already started. Laura shares her personal memories of the show too, and would love to hear from people showing their dogs this year. Contact Laura via Facebook or Twitter.
