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Episode 153 - Susan McKeon: the journey of a canine convert

Released Sat January 24, 2015
Length: 1:01:37
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Susan McKeon

Mina loved to play and really seemed to smile
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Susan practising focus and Stevie and Mina's 'sits'
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The understanding that I now have of why dogs are worried about things is why I'm so committed to Puppy School and giving puppies and their owners and the best possible start that they can get.

 - Susan McKeon

In this show you can hear Susan McKeon talking about how she went from being a feline fanatic to being  a canine convert. Susan started off living with and loving her cats, and although she still adores her cats, she now shares her life - both personal and prfesional - with dogs. It was a Greyhound in need of a new home that started Susan's journey, and was to set her on an entirely new path. Sadly Mina, the Greyhound who Susan gave a home to and learned so much from, has passed on, but Susan has high hopes for the future, helping other owners and enjoying life with her Greyhound puppy, Ava. Susan also
dispels a few Greyhound myths.

Now not only has Susan taken a degree in Canine Behaviour and Training, she runs Puppy School North Lincolnshire helping puppy owners give their dogs a sound start in life, and has founded her own company Happy Hounds Training. She is fast becoming a Greyhound expert, rewriting the Greyhound Trust's training leaflet in 2010, has sat on the Vetinray and Behaviour panle at the Ret8red Greyhound Trust's conference, and is approached by Greyhound owners across the UK on behaviour issues.

You don't have to be a Greyhound fan to enjoy this interview - if you have ever loved a dog, you'll empathise with Susan's story. You can find out more about Susan at her Happy Hounds Training website, and she's also on Facebook and Twitter.


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