Sandi Pensinger - "Treibball a sport, it's a game of speed, it's a timed game. In it dogs push around balls and the balls are large exercise balls. I get a lot of questions about won't the dogs pop the balls? - we teach them not to."
Treibball is a new and fast growing dog sport. In this interview Sandi Pensinger of Living With Dogs, explains what the sport entails, what training your dog needs to start Treibball and how to avoid training pitfalls. Treibball is a timed game in which dogs push large balls back to their handler, and the great news is that virtually any dog can have a go at this activity. Sandi offers a wide variety of classes, and is passionate about finding solutions to owners' problems and keeping dogs in their homes and out of rescue. Sandi has created lots of resources for those wishing to learn more about Treibball - check out her videos Beginning Treibball, and Intermediate Treibball. Sandi has also written The Treibball Handbook and if you want to find out more about the sport in your area join the Yahoo Treibball group.
The cover shot of The Truth about Wolves and Dogs, photo by Oliver Matla
Click on photo for larger image.
Toni with a friends dog, Rosie. Photo taken by Anne Carter, Labrador Lifeline Trust.
Click on photo for larger image.
Toni's book contains stunning photography. Photo - Oliver Matla
Click on photo for larger image.
Toni Shelbourne's new book The Truth about Wolves and Dogs questions a lot of the things we thought we knew about wolves - and Toni uses her insights into what really goes on in the wolf world to inform how she recommends we train and interact with our dogs. She found the alpha theories did not sit right with what she was seeing and learning about wolves, and her experiences have led her to write a fascinating book which busts the myths that surround wolves- and dog training. You can find out more about The Truth about Wolves and Dogs via the Facebook page and there is more information and the chance to view a sample PDF on publisher Hubble and Hattie's site. The photography included in the book is stunning and helps Toni to illustrate and explain body language and signals in both wolves and dogs. The Truth about Wolves and Dogs is available via Amazon and you can keep in touch with Toni on her Twitter feed - @Bracken1969 and you can also visit her blog.
In the DogCast Radio News Kate and Nick bring you the news that the dog playing token may be taken out of the Monopoly game unless you vote for it to stay. One token will be removed and one added in and until the 4th February 2013 you can vote via the Save Your Token facebook app - so if you always choose to be the dog, get voting! And if you fancy trying your hand at finding Momo - the dog who hides in scenes and behind props while his owner takes a photo - you can see if you can spot him at the Find Momo tumblr account, and you can view more pics at Momo's instagram page and you can get in touch with them on Twitter.
Before listening to the
Before listening to the segment on "The Truth about Wolves and Dogs" I had my prejudices but I found it to be very reasonable. My training methods change constantly according to the individual and what's effective. A common denominator, though, is to remember this is a living creature that you love. My biggest challenge right now is a defensive dog who was injured physically, and mentally, before he was rescued. It is very important, for his long-term safety and for the safety of those around him, for him to submit to our direction. But disciplining him in a ways that make him feel unloved are often counterproductive. Ignoring him for bad behavior, for example, didn't work. Attacking him physically would certainly be dangerous. But commanding him to lay down, a short time-out in another room, and hugging him until he's calm again and demonstrates he wants our affection are all effective. As I've found by accidentally training our cats, put down a foundation of love, tempt with food or treats, and dogs and cats are willing to please. One thing I do is what I call "paying the kitty tax". Every time you pass your cat or dog, acknowledge them. It's helpful in relations with people as well.