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Episode 139 - 12 Dogs of Christmas and Canine First Aid

Released Sat December 15, 2012
Length: 1:11:32
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The 12 Dogs of Christams (Part 2)

She got bored and so she turned over the place mat and started drawing dogs. Then she took the very famous song The 12 Days of Christmas and turned it into The 12 Dogs of Christmas.

 - Ken Kragen

The Twelve Dogs of Christmas - a heartwarming movie.
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The book that inspired the film - The Twelve Dogs of Christmas.
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12 Dogs of Christmas: Great Puppy Rescue.
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On the set of The 12 Dogs of Christmas - Emma Kragen with some of the cast.
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Ken Kragen on the set of The 12 Dogs of Christmas.
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Ken Kragen is an amazing man with many strings to his bow, but in this interview he talks about one of his major interests - dogs. Ken's daughter Emma was bored at a Christmas party when she doodled on the back of a place mat and came up with a doggy version of a popular Christmas song - The Twelve Dogs of Christmas. Ken talks with humour about how this doodle became a book, which then became a film, and there is now a sequel - The Twelve Dogs of Christmas 2 : The Great Puppy Rescue. You can hear behind the scenes stories of the challenges of making the movies, as well as something of the plot of the films. If you're looking for a way to get in the festive mood and see some gorgeous dogs as well, check out The 12 Dogs of Christmas.

Canine First Aid

Canine first aid expert Kerry Rhodes and her willing and able assistant Axl.
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I had to go back to college and get my Advanced Canine First Aid honours and then started teaching canine first aid from there.

 - Kerry Rhodes

Kerry Rhodes started out as a human first aid specialist, but soon saw there was a desperate need for accurate effective canine first aid, so she got the necessary training and qualifications and now runs courses that help owners keep their dogs safe - and in some cases save their lives. Do you know what to do if your dog chokes on something? Or injures himself during agility training, or cuts himself on sharp branches or barbed wire in the woods? Kerry does, and she has some excellent advice for you. There's more information at the Rhodes to Safety website, and you can find Kerry on twitter and Facebook too.


The DogCast Radio News features new research which shows that dogs rely on size and texture rather than shape to recognise objects, and the amazing developments that have seen paralysed dogs enabled to walk and run again, plus how Facebook helped to save a dog's life, the foxes that think they're dogs, and the faithful Greyhound that saw off vicious burglars.

A Canine Christmas Carol

As this is our Christmas episode there is a brand new fiction feature - a Canine Christmas Carol. Will a visit from three ghosts soften the heart of a puppy farmer?