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Episode 137 - On Toby's Terms, The Spirit of The Dog and Lizzie Owen

Released Sat October 27, 2012
Length: 1:03:21
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The Spirit of The Dog

The book is about how breeds developed through time, and how dogs evolved alongside human cultures, where they came from and how, as human culture spread across the world taking their dogs with them, how that impacted on the development of different dog breeds.

 - Tamsin Pickeral

The Spirit of the Dog explores how dog breeds developed. The cover girl is Minnie, a Saluki, in Gloucestershire
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The Akita page from The Spirit of the Dog.
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Astrid Harrisson's beautiful photography illustrates the book. Maisie, Hungarian Vizla, on the Gower Peninsula, Wales.
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Tamsin Pickeral's informative text details the development of each breed featured.
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A canine supermodel. Afghan Hound - Leo, in New York City
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Astrid traveled to the USA to photograph some breeds. Jeter, Catahoula Leopard Dog, Brooklyn, NY
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Author Tamsin Pickeral and photographer Astrid Harrisson explore the development of dog breeds and how human culture shaped them in the beautiful new book The Spirit of The Dog. In a fun and informative interview Tamsin and Astrid talk about the book's contents as well as the process of writing it. They reveal how they chose the breeds included, which are their favourites, and what inspired them to write the book. As you can see from the photograph included here, the book is visually stunning as well as fascinating.

You can find out more about the book at The Spirit of The Dog website, and you can also check out Astrid Harrisson's and Tamsin Pickeral's websites. There are greeting cards and limited edition prints available of some of the images included in the book. Tamsin talked about her book 5000 years of the dog in art in Episode 89 of DogCast Radio, which you can read about in our article section.

On Toby's Terms

I really believe that Toby came into my life to turn it upside down and teach me some lessons that I didn't know I needed to learn

 - Charmaine Hammond

On Toby's Terms tells how Toby found a purpose and peace.
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Sometimes the right person meets the right dog and the results are magical. When Charmaine Hammond adopted Toby she had no idea how he would turn her life upside down and take her on a journey. In this touching interview, Charmaine talks about the lessons Toby taught her, how a behaviourist helped find the solution to Toby's extremely destructive behaviour and how Toby found peace through his job as a therapy dog. Charmaine has written a moving book, On Toby's Terms, which details their experiences and the journey they took together. Toby's story has touched hearts around the world and the books is being made into a movie too. You can find out more about Charmaine's charming book at the On Toby's Terms website, and on Twitter via @Ontobysterms and also on Facebook.

Lizzie Owen on Dogs for the Disabled

Without Bella, my first dog, I doubt I'd have got my degree, and now I've got Frodo and we do so many things together and enjoy life together, and it's all down to Dogs for the Disabled.

 - Lizzie Owen

Lizzie and her assistance dog Frodo attended the Paralympics.
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Lizzie Owen is a great supporter of Dogs for the Disabled, the charity who trained and supplied both her assistance dogs; Bella was her first assistance dog, and now Lizzie is partnered by Frodo. Here, Lizzie talks about how due to her condition, osteogenesis imperfecta, she can fracture a rib just bending down to pick something up, so Frodo picks things up for her, opens and closes doors, switches lights on, and can even pull her socks off for her. Lizzie does a huge amount of voluntary work, spreading the word about the life-changing work of Dogs for the Disabled, delivering educational speeches and attending high profile events such as Crufts. Lizzie has also set up the Leicestershire Dogs for the Disabled Supporter Group which helps raise funds for and awareness of Dogs for the Disabled. Lizzie mentions some of the ways that you can help support Dogs for the Disabled and the wonderful work they and their dogs do.