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Episode 135 - Best dog toys and Hayley the fundraising Basset Hound

Released Sat August 25, 2012
Length: 0:49:07
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The best dog toys

Pam Johnson has advice on the best dog toys.

Pam Johnson has advice on the best dog toys.
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Any toy can be a great toy, but first you have to build some sort of drive or motivation to get the dog to really love and want to play with the toy; and most of all to want to play with the toy with the owner.

 - Pam Johnson

There are so many dog toys on offer that sometimes it can be difficult to know what to choose for your dog. But when you've made your choice and bought it, do you know how to get the most out of a toy with your dog? How do you encourage your dog to play, how can you use play as a reward and reinforcement, and do you have to spend a fortune in the process? Pamela Johnson has the answers to all this and more. Pam is a dog trainer from the San Diego area where she runs Pam's Dog Academy, offering a variety of services and classes. To help people live in harmony with their dog and approach training in a positive way Pam has also produced several helpful videos which you can find on her You Tube channel.

Hayley the fundraising Basset Hound

Hayley busy raising money for charity.

Hayley busy raising money for charity.
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We've raised money for the Brooke Hospital for Animals for about 8 years, and Hayley and Emma's total is just under £10,500.

 - Lyn Bailey

Lyn Bailey and her Basset Hounds have been raising money for Sue Ryder and The Brooke Hospital for Animals for several years and have raised thousand of pounds. Julie caught up with Lyn and Hayley in Ludlow, Shropshire, where Hayley was both taking it easy and working very hard at the same time. Lyn has been invited to attend a reception at the House of Lords in October 2012 but will only go if Hayley is allowed too. At the moment Hayley is being refused admission on Health and Safety grounds, but if you would like to see Hayley's efforts recongnised, contact the House of Lords to say so. If you would like to boost Hayley's fundraising efforts, you can donate direct to The Brooke Hospital for Animals but don't forget to mention that it's for Hayley's appeal. If you would like to contact Lyn, contact us here at DogCast Radio and we'll pass your message on.


In the DogCast Radio News, Kate and Nick have the stories of an old dog helped by laser treatment, the Twilight stars battling over custody of their dog, the Florida community that came together to search for a missing assistance dog and more.

Did you know that the first ever Dogs DInner - a nationwide initiative to raise funds for Hounds for Heroes - is fast approaching. For more information read the DogCast Radio blog.

Buddy's health

Buddy has had to have surgery.

Buddy has had to have surgery.
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Julie shares some very personal news when she talks about Buddy's recent health issues.