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Episode 116 - Crufts 2011

Released Sun March 27, 2011
Length: 1:04:49
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Debbie Connolly

Don't use a dog as a psychiatrist, it's not an emotional crutch; it needs you to give it the best life you possibly can.

 - Debbie Connolly

Debbie Connolly with two of her dogs.
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Debbie's book has great advice as well as anecdotes to make you laugh and cry.
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Debbie Connolly is a dog and cat behaviourist who also treats goats, pigs and other pet livestock. Her television appearances include "Dog Borstal" and "Britain's Most Embarrassing Pets".

She was at Crufts talking about her book Better Dog Behaviour, and she tells host Julie about some of the stories in the book as well as talking about some of her "pet hates"! She also talks about the project she is hoping to move onto next - helping rehabilitate hoodies and their dogs.

You can find out more about Debbie at her Safe Pets website, and she is also on Twitter and Facebook.

Wendy Morrell and her assistance dog Udo

Wendy Morrell with her assistance dog Udo.
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Wendy Morrell was at Crufts with her assistance dog Udo - and amazingly Udo had only officially qualified three days before Crufts. Despite this, and the fact that he is only twenty months old, Udo took all the hustle and bustle of Crufts in his stride and seemed absolutely at home and focused on Wendy.

Wendy talks about both Udo and her previous assistance dog Caesar. This interview also covers the intricacies of flying long haul with your dog- host Julie was intrigued and couldn't resist asking.

You can find out more about the charity who trained and supplied Udo and the Dogs for the disabled website, and Wendy is on Twitter as GoldenCaesar.

Nowzad Dogs

Nowzad Dogs charity is changing lives by rescuing strays in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pen Farthing talks about how the charity saves animals and sends them safely to their new homes in countries all around the world. Pen has first hand knowledge of the bond that can spring up between serving soldiers and stray and abandoned animals, and has written two books telling of his experiences and the charity's work.

You can find out more at the Nowzad website - and it's well worth reading the various and very moving rescue stories on the site.

Marc Abraham

I never thought back in the day I'd be talking to as many people as I'm doing now about what I care about, and that's looking after animals

 - Marc Abraham

Marc Abraham busy signing his book
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Marc Abraham was at Crufts in many capacities, including being Independent Veterinary Advisor to the Kennel Club of Great Britain and appearing in the UK Crufts television coverage. He was also signing copies of his new book, Vet on call - My first year as an out of hours vet.

Marc talked to Julie about some of the anecdotes in the book, as well as some of the causes close to his heart. What does he like about his job, and what annoys him? What is it that drives him to work so hard? And just how many pairs of those scrubs does he have? All these issues and more are addressed in this interview.

You can find out more about Marc at his Marc The Vet website as well as on Twitter and Facebook.

Oldies Club

Ron spreading the word about Oldies Club.
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Marc Abraham welcomes various charities to use his stand at Crufts to promote their cause, and one very worthy cause doing just that was the Oldies Club.
To find about more about why older dogs need a charity to help them find new homes, and how the Oldies Club cares for the dogs in their care and matches them to new homes, Julie talked to Ron Wilkinson.

If you feel an older dog would suit you, or to volunteer or donate for the charity visit their website.

Sheila Sadler and Kerly

Because I have difficulty getting from sitting to standing he comes and stands across in front of me - the command is brace - I put my hand on his neck and his rump and he does not move until I've levered myself up and got my balance.

 - Sheila Sadler

Sheila's dog Kerly helps her in so many ways.
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Sheila Sadler had taught for many years when one day her life changed in a second when a colleague crashed the car they were both traveling in. Sheila talks movingly about her gradual acceptance of the new lifestyle she had to cope with, and how her beloved assistance dogs have helped her adjust.

Sheila was at Crufts promoting the work of Canine Partners who trained her assistance dog Kerly who was right at her side during this interview. Sheila has clearly gained emotional and practical support from her dog and now spends a lot of time raising awareness of as well as money for Canine Partners - she and Kerly raised £2000 in their first year together.

To find out more visit the Canine Partner website, and you can read more about Sheila on the Canine Partner's Somerset page.

Carolyn Menteith

Carolyn Menteith is a trainer who conveys her passion for training through radio and television broadcasts as well as writing articles and books to inspire people to make the most of life with their dog.

In this interview Carolyn talks about her background with animals and the passion that lead her to work with dogs, as well as giving a sneaky peek into the subject of her next book.

You can find out more about Carolyn at her Dog Talk website and you can see forty training videos she has done for Dogs Trust on YouTube.

Safe and Sound

Julie and Buddy with the Safe and Sound Team in the main arena.
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For the third year running Julie and Buddy were privileged to be part of the Safe and Sound Team performing in the main arena to demonstrate safe and unsafe ways of interacting with dogs.
The DogCast Radio team had a wonderful Crufts 2011 and are looking forward to Crufts 2012 already!
