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Episode 101 - Stan Rawlinson, The Original Doglistener and Darlene Arden The Pet Expert

Released Sat January 9, 2010
Length: 1:13:28
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Darlene Arden - The Pet Expert

I have become so determined to make life better for them, and I always keep in mind "one"; if I can reach one owner, help one animal, then my life was worth something.

 - Sheryl Matthys

Darlene Arden with her happy pack.
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Darlene Arden is the Pet Expert. Darlene is an award-winning writer, lecturer, and author and she produces and hosts her own cable television show, "Creatively Speaking".

She is passionate about animals and her priority is to enhance the lives of dogs and cats. She is the author of The Irrepressible Toy Dog, and The Angell Memorial Animal Hospital Book of Wellness and Preventive Care for Dogs, and is an internationally recognized authority on toy dogs and their care, and a Certified Animal Behavior Consultant.

In this interview she talks about what inspired her to devote her life to animals, and about her experiences working and living with the animals she loves so much.

To find out more about Darlene visit her website, or contact her on Twitter or Facebook.

The original Doglistener

We tell them off by saying their name – constantly. In the end the dog goes, "Look at my paw cos the face ain’t listening!" because for 50% of the time we’re giving them a hard time. Don’t do it!

 - Stan Rawlinson

Stan Rawlinson the original Doglistener.
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Stan Rawlinson is the original Doglistener and his common sense methods have evolved over years of experience and knowledge of dogs.

In this interview Stan discusses his approach to training, his own invention, the Jingler, and his distrust of residential training methods that don't involve the owner.

Stan has strong opinions about what he calls the alpha myth, and maintains that our dogs do not relate to us as they do other dogs. Stan's years of working with owners and dogs have deepened his understanding of dogs and his display work, training dogs from the audience, demonstrate how fast he can convey to a dog what he wants of it.

There is further information and numerous articles on Stan's Doglistener website.

The oldest dog in the world

Lynn & Peter Jones with Otto the world's current oldest dog.
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Host Julie was delighted to meet Otto the world's current oldest dog recently.

His owner Lynn Jones told her about Otto and what she attributes his longevity to. Lynn, her husband Peter and Otto were making an appearance at Roden Dogs Trust to raise money for the charity.

You can be Otto's friend on Facebook.