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Episode 100 - Leashes and lovers and Labradoodle Trust

Released Sat December 26, 2009
Length: 1:05:16
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Episode 100

It's the 100th DogCast Radio show and it's also the Christmas show so sit back, relax and enjoy!

Sheryl Matthys founder of Leashes and Lovers.
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Even though I’m a certified dog trainer, with the psychology background I love to merge the two and talk to people about how their dogs also impact their relationships, because your dog is part of your entire family.

 - Sheryl Matthys

Sheryl Matthys is the dog expert. She is an author, speaker, media personality, and founder of leashes and lovers. She’s a certified dog trainer, a psychology graduate, and has a masters in radio and television so she’s very well qualified for what she does!

She is interested in the way we interact with our dogs, and the way our four legged best friends impact on our relationships and the choices we make. She also spends some of her time talking to celebrities about their dogs - you can see some of her celebrity interviews at her website, and find out more about her. If you have leashes and love in your life - or if you'd like it! - listen to Sheryl's advice.

Catherine Mathieson's passion for Labradoodles led her to found Labradoodle Trust.
Click on photo for larger image.

Any dog that has Labrador in it cannot be guaranteed not to shed or to be allergy friendly – it is a myth that all Labradoodles are suitable for anybody who may suffer from asthma or any dog allergy.

 - Catherine Mathieson

Although Labradoodles are a relatively new "breed" some of them are already finding themselves in rescue. When Catherine Mathieson realised that the dogs she loved were in need of new loving homes, she organised a group of fellow Labradoodle fans and founded Labradoodle Trust.

The Trust works hard, and with the help of a nationwide network of volunteers they collect, foster and deliver Labradoodles from those who can no longer look after their Labradoodle to their new homes. These can be large, enthusiastic dogs that do shed hair, and these are some of the reasons they find themselves in rescue.

In this show we hear from Labradoodle Trust founder Catherine Mathieson and fosterer Catherine Crowther.

There's a special Christmas story - A Tale of Two Christmases - which tells of the consequences of a door being open when it should have been shut. And there's a festive edition of the DogCast Radio News from Kate and Nick - who has been awarded the "Bah Humbug" award? Listen and find out.

We'll be back in 2010 with more news and interviews from around the world, as well as anything and everything dog related. Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year to all our listeners, human and canine.

Just to set the record

Just to set the record straight, Catherine Mathieson was not the founder of Labradoodle Trust nor was it her idea. She was simply one of a group of many volunteers who helped Labradoodle Trust. The Trust (or Labradoodle Rescue as it was previously known) was founded by 3 other individuals and Catherine Mathieson was then invited on to the committee.

Catherine didn't actually

Catherine didn't actually claim to be founder of The Trust....that was a genuine mistake made by the interviewer, not something said by Catherine herself