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Episode 96 - Canine health concern

Released Sat October 24, 2009
Length: 0:54:01
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Canine health concern

We are the ones who sit with our loved ones, our dogs, as they die, so we have a right to information that’s going to enhance their lives rather than just fill the coffers of an industry that’s already rich enough without the suffering of our dogs to add to it.

 - Catherine O’Driscoll

Catherine with her well loved Golden Retriever, Edward.
Click on photo for larger image.

Do you worry about your dog's health? Whether to vaccinate, what to feed and so on? If so Catherine O'Driscoll of Canine Health Concern has the information you need.

She issued a press release concerning thirty-three vets and doctors from around the world, who had signed a letter stating their concerns about vaccination. They quoted world veterinary bodies that have announced publicly that annual vaccination is not necessary, and that it can be harmful. As far as we are aware we were and are the only media organisation which published this release.

In this in depth interview Catherine examines the evidence about vaccination, linking it to her own experiences with her dogs, and outlines how Canine Health Concern came into existence. She is on a mission to inform dog owners so they can make better decisions.

To find out more about Catherine or Canine Health Concern, visit their website, or read her article The Science of Vaccine Damage on the DogCast Radio site. If you wish to contact her via email the address is

Rally in the UK

Julie and Buddy have fun trying out rally.
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Rally has been established in America for a while, but it's very new to the UK. Julie and Buddy were among the first to try it out.

Hear about their experiences at a level one course run by Carole Thornley of Aricia Dog Training. Find out how they got on and what their biggest problem on the day was.

If you visit the Association of Pet Dog Trainers website you can see downloadable files of rally signs, with an explanation of what the signs require you to do.


In the DogCast Radio News hear about dogs behaving badly with a variety of consequences - some of the disastrous. Plus there's a huge dog, and a Dachshund who's making medical history.