Dr. Dawn Marcus has spent years telling patients that living healthily was more complicated than just taking a tablet to put everything right. She always knew that lifestyle played a huge part in health, but it was not until the arrival in her life of Wheatie the Wheaten Terrier in her own life, that she realised how much we can learn from our dogs.
Meeting a dog's needs involves having a regular routine, and getting lots of exercise. But it also includes having fun, and in the process our physical and mental wellbeing are improved and enhanced. Did you know that if you eat, sleep and play like a dog, you can seriously improve your health?
Listen to Dr. Dawn Marcus as she talks about her brilliant book Fit as Fido, which explains how you can learn the vital life lessons your dog knows all about.
Find out more at the Fit as Fido website, where in the Celebrity Spotlight section, you can hear how Buddy has improved DogCast Radio host Julie's life.
My local Dogs Trust centre, Roden, does tremendous job of rehoming dogs, so I went to find out what a day is like in the centre.
It starts early, it goes on late, and it involves lots of hard work. It also means lots of fun and attention for the dogs, as well as training and meeting the public. There's cleaning, feeding, grooming and walking to be done, and none of this could happen without the commitment of a very devoted team of staff, and some wonderful volunteers.
Dogs Trust never puts a healthy dog down, and has some ingenious schemes in place to raise awareness of and funds for those dogs in its care.
To find out more visit the Dogs Trust website, where you can also discover more about the Roden centre.
In the DogCast Radio News you can hear about dogs in danger, a GPS system for guide dogs, and do you know what a Chorkie is? Well a Chorkie could be the smallest dog in the UK. But where does the smallest dog in the world live? Nick has the answers!
Does your dog love you? Well according to author Jon Katz he doesn't, he merely exhibits behaviour that tricks you into thinking he loves you, because that gets him what he wants. By the way, he doesn't miss you when you're gone and would soon forget you apparently.
Read more on what Jon Katz has to say here. You can leave a comment and vote on the subject, which needless to say has stirred up some strong feeling! Hear Julie's thoughts on the matter in the show.