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Episode 56 - Exercise for dogs and rescue dogs

Released Sat December 22, 2007
Length: 1:01:08
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Excercise for dogs

Cam and Rugby
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I think that that's one of the biggest problems we face as dog owners and as trainers; that our dogs are under-exercised.
 - Cam Bexten

Our dogs need exercise to be happy and healthy - but when they're young puppies it can be tricky to ensure they get the right amount of the right sort of exercise. In this episode you can hear dog trainer and exercise specialist Cam Bexten's advice about making sure your dog has the appropriate exercise.

Cam has two Bulldogs - suitably named Rugby and Cricket! - with whom she enjoys many activities. A DogCast Radio listener asked for advice on how much exercise to allow a six month old Golden Retriever, and Cam has the solution to this dilemma.

However, Cam has lots of other suggestions for activities you and your dog can enjoy together. Cam is co-owner of the Bonafide Dog Academy LLC, and as such is involved in many training situations, as well as competing with her own dogs in agility and obedience. If you thought Bulldogs and their owners kept themselves to their couches think again!

To explore further, visit the website of the excellent Bonafide Dog Academy. To find out more about some great dog sports try Dogs Across America, Dog Scooter, SkiDawgSki, Cani Cross, and SkiJor. Listen to Cam's advice for exercising sufficiently and safely.

Rescue dogs

I can't see Milly as a rescue dog to be honest with you - I prefer to think of her as a very lucky find.
 - Joanne

Milly with Joanne's daughter
Click on photo for larger image.

At this time of year we hear a lot about the horrible fates that can befall the dogs bought as Christmas presents. Many dogs who find themselves in rescue do find a happy ending with a loving family - and we hear from two owners who couldn't be happier with their "re-cycled" dog!

Hear from the family of first time dog owners who fell in love with a Neapolitan Mastiff at an RSPCA centre, and from the family who already had two young children and a young dog, but knew their family wasn't quite complete. Joanne and her family desperately wanted to give a rescue dog a home - but their journey wasn't a straight forward one.


The DogCast Radio News team bring us a special report on the dangerous, daft and expensive antics some dogs have got up to. It seems whether you stay in or go out there is plenty of scope for a dog to get into trouble.


Our Christmas episode wouldn't be complete without a specially written Christmas story - and this year is no different. Listen to The Christmas Dog, written and read by Julie Hill. Liz can't be sure whether she has one dog or two, but either way she knows he - or they - are a Christmas miracle.

Other items

Animals Healing has news of a terrific new book to help you feed your dog as well as possible - Real Food for Dogs and Cats by Dr. Claire Middle.

Dr Middle is a veterinarian with over twenty five years experience, who has combined her experiences with sound science to write this informative book which is easy to read and use.

Did you know the British Kennel Club recently celebrated the registration of its 10,000th online litter? Apparently the breeders of the nine Golden Retrievers in question found the whole process fast and easy. To find out more visit the Kennel Club site.


All this plus do you know the answers to our dog-related teasers? If not don't worry we have the answers as well as the questions.


The whole DogCast Radio team wishes you and your dogs a happy and safe Christmas and a healthy New Year.