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Episode 53 - Dog estate planning

Released Fri November 9, 2007
Length: 0:55:13
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Dog estate planning advice from Dawn Antoniak Mitchell

Dawn Antoniak Mitchell
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It may be a subject that most of us don't want to think about, but what would happen to our dogs if anything happened to us? This show focuses on some excellent advice from Dawn Antoniak Mitchell.

Dawn co-owns and runs the BonaFide Dog Academy LLC in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Dawn is also a lawyer, and so has an insight into being a dog owner as well as how we can best make provision for our dogs should we be unable to care for them. This is a consideration not only in the event of our death, but also in the case of a short term incapacitation like a broken leg, or even flu.

Having a dog brings responsibilities, and dog owners need to think through the issue of, "What if...?" There are many easy and free steps you can take to help keep you pets cared for, and in this interview you will hear Dawn's practical authoritative advice.

Dawn's dog training achievements are phenomenal. With over twenty years experience in dog training, Dawn has provided training opportunities for owners and their dogs, as well as working in shelters. She is an American Kennel Club rally and obedience judge, and she and her Delta Society certified therapy dog Lizzie B regularly visit hospitals, as well as being involved in a reading therapy program. She trained the first AKC rally titled Jack Russell Terrier America, as well as the first Curly-Coated Retriever rally titled dog at all three levels of AKC rally obedience competition in the US.

The list of achievements and accolades go on, to see the full list check out the BonaFide Dog Academy website. There you will see that the academy always values the bond between owner and dog, as well as offering classes and lectures that really meet the needs of those who share their life with a dog.

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Puppy Playtime

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A happy ending...

Beverley Cuddy's blog has helped dog owner Caroline keep her beloved Tibetan Terrier Harry. Hear how Beverley teamed up with Organipets, and what dog lovers can achieve when we work together.

A new website.

We have brought out a new website, If you would like to see videos that really feature dogs and are family friendly, check out this site. If you search on YouTube on "dog" the results may be irrelevant and unsuitable. We have selected dog videos that vary from informative, to funny to downright cute. You can register on the site and leave comments - which are also approved before being put on the site to continue the family friendly environment.