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Episode 52 - Freestyle and Aggression

Released Sat October 27, 2007
Length: 0:59:14
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Dog Aggression

Susie and her six rescue dogs
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Aggression is probably one of the dog behaviours we fear most. In this episode you can hear expert advice on dealing with aggression from Susie Aga.

Susie tells us the different types of aggression that can occur, how they can be managed, and how to bring up a puppy to minimise the possibility of aggression. Listen to fascinating and authoritative advice from an aggression specialist.

You can find out more about Susie at her website, and listen to her radio show. For more detail, read her biog below.

Susie Aga is a Certified Canine Behavior & Training Specialist who received her certification from Triple Crown Academy, a world leader in pet education. She has 20 years experience with dogs and is recommended by over 45 Veterinarians in the Metro Atlanta area.

Susie was chosen by Turner Broadcasting to be their featured "Pet Expert". You can find her on their web site: Pet Expert Story. From there, follow Susie Aga' Pet Expert link and it will take you to puppy/doggie helpful hints page.

Susie Aga is also the host of a talk show called "The Animal Hour". It is on every Tuesday at 2pm on AM 1620. You can listen to the show on-line at or tune in here for a live broadcast via Media Player: The Animal Hour.

You can also call in for our sessions on Q & A or just to add your thoughts on the topics at hand. The number is 404 -943-1620. Feel free to email her at Susie is also the "Pet Expert" for- Pet Doctor Online.

She is interviewed by veterinarians regarding many behavioral issues and there solutions. The discussions are directed towards behavioral problems such as separation anxiety, cage aggression and other hard to define issues facing many owners and their dogs. The shows are also archived for your convenience.

Being a Behavioral Specialist Susie was chosen on several occasions to be a guest speaker at Georgia State University. Susie is a reoccurring guest lecturer for the psychology department of the university. Her lectures on canine behavior and the similarities of conditioning behaviors in humans and animals are often included in the professors testing at the end their semesters.

Susie has also been asked by several other schools such as The Howard School in Decatur to be the pet expert. She has been chosen to teach the professors, at the school, behavior modification techniques she developed as well as train them in her obedience courses with their personal dogs.

Susie was a columnist for Petlanta, Dog's Life and Dog World magazines and wrote monthly article on training, pet tips and other helpful hints for you and your pet. Her Articles on training and behavioral issue and there solutions are published on various web sites.

Susie is a member in good standing with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Her training includes, but is not limited to Basic through Advanced Obedience, Off Leash, Agility, Aggression Management and Behavior Modification. Susie's specialized training includes Special Odor Detection, Search & Rescue, and Tracking Work.

Watch the web site for information on the doggie fashion show, where Susie will be the featured "Animal Wrangler" airing on the Turner Broadcasting Network [TBS] shown nationwide this summer.

She has six rescue dogs of her own and donates much of her time and services to Rescue Organizations. You can truly say her life has gone to the dogs and that is just the way SHE WANTS IT!


Freestyle is fun to watch
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The expert advice on another area of dog training comes from Hannah Crook. Hannah competes and judges in canine freestyle. She talks about how freestyle is divided, and how you can start from scratch in the sport.

If you've ever watched human and canine moving to music beautifully synchronised, and wondered if you could have a go - listen up and find out how.

Hannah was recently involved in the UK television program Richard and Judy, helping to show an absolute beginner how to devise a freestyle program to a short piece of music.

Hannah's training advice can be found on the website Chilled Dogs. For more information about freestyle check out Musical Dog Sport and Canine Freestyle GB.

Reading from The Knocknobbler

The Knockknobbler

Bernard Cartwright talked about his book, The Knocknobbler in episode 46. His work as a dog catcher in Worcester brought him into contact with many dogs - and people. DogCast Radio listeners can now hear extracts of his entertaining book.

In today's selection, find out how Bernard helped sort out a noisy dog. The Knocknobbler is available through Parapress.

News and other items


In the DogCast Radio News, hear how you can take part in an auction to help support The Companion Animal Protection Society. The Society - or CAPS - for short works to bring an end to the suffering inflicted on dogs through pet shops and puppy mills.

Halloween is nearly here, so we've brought you some top tips to make sure your pet enjoys the celebrations as much as you do. For more advice check out Dog Gone Safe and Dog Geek.

James and Emma's beloved Joe
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Listeners James and Emma lost their beloved GSD Joe recently, and are interested in finding a breeder who produces similar looking dogs. Have you posted photos of Ozzy, Bigley Bambino, Grace or Herbie on our GSD breed profile page? If so get in touch and help James and Emma get over their loss.

Tamara Lloyd from The Alternative Animal Sanctuary in the UK is appealing to the general public on behalf of the many dog breeds that find themselves in rescue most often - Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Border Collies, Lurchers and so on. Tamara has recently taken in 6 Staffies and is eager to find loving long term homes for them. Contact her on 07818406619.