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Episode 51 - Ron Hevener and Matthew Culmore

Released Sat October 13, 2007
Length: 1:08:58
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Ron Hevener

Ron Hevener
Click on photo for larger image.

How good a dog is is often determined by how good his breeder is, and in this show we have two of the best breeders around.

Ron Hevener owns one of the oldest dog show kennels in the U.S. - Lochranza. The kennel specialises in Collies, and the story of how Ron met Jacqueline M. Kauffman, the original owner of Lochranza, learned from her, worked alongside her, and eventually continued working towards her dream is a fascinating one.

It hasn't been an easy path to walk, but Ron has walked it with love, commitment and determination. The final realisation of Jackie's dream came with the arrival of a litter that was over ten years in the planning.

As well as breeding his beloved Collies, Ron Hevener owns a Greyhound racing kennel, Arabian race horses, and finds time to write novels, paint and sculpt. Listen to this fascinating interview with a fascinating man.

For more information on Ron check out his website.

Matthew Culmore

One of the gorgeous Culmore Bichons, Einstein
Click on photo for larger image.

Matthew and Patricia Culmore breed Bichon Frise dogs, and their highly acclaimed kennel is in California. Some of their recent litter have been ranked top in their State, and in the top three for the whole of America.

Producing high quality dogs with excellent temperaments is a priority at Culmore Canines, and health tests are done as well as well as making sure the puppies get the best start in life they possibly can.

In this interview, Matthew tells us how to recognise a good breeder, and passes on some of the measures he takes to make sure his pups end up in loving homes. We all want a breeder who has put the same effort into breeding a pup that we will put into raising it, and you can hear some wonderful advice about good breeding practices.

To see some of the beautiful Culmore dogs, and to read about Matthew go to the Culmore Canines website.

News and other items

In the DogCast Radio News, hear how dogs are now being used to help predict diabetic blood sugar lows, and about a great Pet Expo coming soon in Las Vegas.

If you have the time to help on the Bella Moss Foundation stand at Discover Dogs in the UK on the 10th and 11th of November please contact the Foundation. In return for a few hours help you will receive a free pass to the show - as well as the satisfaction of helping a great cause. The Bella Moss Foundation is committed to helping dogs and other pets with MRSA and other serious infections.

If you're the owner of Scout who appears on our Jack Russell breed profile page, please get in touch, as we have a listener who would love to know which breeder supplied Scout, as he wants a similar dog.

Congratulations to the team from The Company of Animals, who raised over 10,000 running in the Great North Run. This is enough money to sponsor a puppy through its full training with Dogs for the Disabled. Well done to those who ran or contributed sponsorship money.

All this plus dog quotes from Mark Twain - and do listen to the end for Jenny's joke.