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Episode 49 - Dalmatians and Reiki for dogs

Released Sat September 8, 2007
Length: 1:01:39
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The Dalmatian is easily recognised
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The Dalmatian must be the most recognisable dog breed - and we have a profile of the breed. Deborah from Krystaway Damatians, which is in New South Wales, Australia, tells us about this beautiful, clever, energetic breed.

You may know how to "spot" a Dalmatian but do you know anything about their history? The purpose this breed was developed for still affects how they behave today, and the more you know about a breed gives you a better idea of whether they would be a good companion for you. How do Dalmatians fit into family life? Are they couch potatoes or jogging companions? Are they free thinkers or do they train well?

Find out more in this great breed profile - and to find out more about Deb and her dogs check out the Krystaway Dalmatians site.

Reiki for dogs

Penny Leisch

Do you know what Reiki is? Do you know that it can be used to great effect with dogs?

Penny Leisch is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, a Karuna Ki Reiki Master Teacher, a Sacred Flames Reiki Master Teacher, as well as an empath and animal communicator.

In this interview she explains what Reiki is, and gives examples of the amazing results it can give when used with dogs. Penny is assisted in her work by her instinctive understanding of animals, and she also shares that experience with us.

Penny has two websites - and as well as a blog - For further information about Reiki try Marta Williams' site, and also the International Association of Reiki Professionals.

Buddy's Diary

Buddy has been enjoying the summer - and in his diary he tells us what he likes about the season. He also tells us what he dislikes about the summer, and if he thought "Vacuum" was bad he has met another evil creature out in the garden!


In the DogCast Radio News, hear how dogs are giving and getting vital help in the water, as well as how sniffer dogs sometimes sniff out danger, and how actress Anne Hathaway's Labrador helped her win a part in a film. For more information about dog swimming lessons, go to The Dog Run's site.

Other items

If you fancy reading a book that will help you come to a better understanding of your dog and improve your relationship with him, then pick up The Loved Dog by Tamar Geller. Tamar's philosophy is based on love and gentleness - and satisfied clients include Oprah Winfrey, Ben Affleck and Goldie Hawn. To get some tips from the founder of Southern California's first cage-free day care and overnight boarding facility, read The Loved Dog. To find out more about Tamar Geller, visit her website.

Dogs for the Disabled provides life-changing assistance dogs for disabled people - and you can help support their work by sponsoring a six strong team from The Company of Animals which is entering Great Northern Run in the UK at the end of September. Sponsoring the team couldn't be easier follow the link to and help make people and dogs lives happier.

If you'd like to see what some of the DogCast Radio team look like do check out the latest episode of Hound TV where Buddy, Tom and Star are the current Hounds of the Week.

Jill's poor Poodles Jenni and Minki are still languishing as "evidence" in police custody, and her partner Peter has now been charged, with a court hearing scheduled in mid September. The "girls" have now been in custody for three months, with nothing proved against them. Let's hope they're home soon.