What do you feed your dog? Are you worried about food recalls? Do you know what the ingredients in your dog's food are?
Kim Bloomer is currently studying for a Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition/Doctor of Naturopathy. She worked in the veterinary field for many years, and continues to do extensive research into natural health care for dogs. Kim is also a member of the American Veterinary Naturopathic Association.
On her radio show Animal Talk Naturally Kim discusses all aspects of natural pet care and health, and in this interview you can hear her advice on feeding your dog naturally. You will be amazed at the advantages to giving your dog a natural diet, and you may never look at your average bag or tin of dog food the same again.
To hear more of Kim's great advice check out Animal Talk Naturally.
Although it's only the problems that hit the headlines, there are some excellent dog foods available.
OrganiPets is a new company whose dog food is not only organic, but whose packaging is environmentally friendly too!
We met Liz Nuttall and she told us the amazing results she is getting with the company's dog food. The company's story is one of success, but the story behind that success is a very moving one - and it all started with a rescue dog named Raffy.
Listen to the OrganiPets story, and get new faith in the dog food industry.
Our fiction feature this time is written and read by Shawndra Miller.
Shawndra is a writer with a blog called Living Mindfully, which regularly features her beautiful Standard Poodle Marley.
Shawndra's story is Leaving Ginger - a moving story that just might have you reaching for a Kleenex!
To find out more about Shawndra check out her blog and other projects.
In Puppy Playtime, Jenny talks about her favourite dog stories. One of her favourite authors is Dick King-Smith, and if you'd like to read about him start out with www.randomhouse.com/kids/dickkingsmith and www.penguin.co.uk/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,,1000009153,00.html
Puppy Playtime listener Ella also reviews her favourite animal stories.
Now we've whetted your appetite you may want to explore the area of your dog's nutrition more, so we have some suggestions to start you off. To understand per food labels more check out www.petfoodreport.com/
From the Burns food site you can get advice about feeding plus a simple recipe.
To discover the different nutritional needs of each breed try home.att.net/~wdcusick/free.html
Look at www.nature-nosh.com if you'd like to give your dog some organic treats.