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Episode 42 - Flat Coated Retrievers and grooming your dog

Released Sat May 26, 2007
Length: 0:44:39
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Flat Coated Retrievers

Jazmyn Wray with the number one Flat Coated Retriever in Australia in 2006
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In this episode we bring you a breed profile of the Flat Coated Retriever.

This is an elegant looking dog, with a lot of enthusiasm for life. Like many gun dogs the Flatcoat can make an excellent family dog - find out how his qualities suit for that role.

If you're looking for an affectionate companion could a Flatcoat be right for you. How much exercise do they need, and just how much grooming does that beautiful coat need? To find out all this and more we talked to Judy Kennon Wray from Bushman Flat Coated Retrievers.

The Bushman kennel has been established in Victoria, Australia for over four decades, specialising in Flatcoats since 1988. To find out more about this lovely breed visit the Bushman website.


You don't have to be a show dog to benefit from grooming
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How often do you groom your dog? We all know how important it is to train, exercise and feed our four legged friend properly, but did you realise just how beneficial grooming can be for your dog?

It's not all about looking good, their health and behavioural advantages. To get the most from grooming you need to establish a good routine right from the start, and that's not just with long coated dogs, or those who need stripping - all breeds can benefit.

Sue Davidson is an Advanced Master Groomer, shes been Groomer of the Year twice, as well as an International Gold Medallist and Inter Grooming Judge. We first met her at Crufts with one of her immaculately turned out Bichon Frises.

As well as telling you why to groom, Sue has some excellent advice on how to make it as easy and effective as possible. Go on - dig out that brush and have a go.

Buddy's Diary

...this was the dog that got down!
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This was the dog Buddy saw get up onto the table.....
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In Buddy's Diary Buddy has two newcomers to put up with. And one has been brought in by magic - according to Buddy anyway. He sees one dog go up onto a table, and another dog get down. What is a Labrador to make of it all?


A touching story recently in the news is that of Richard Reister, a disabled army vet who desperately tried to raise money for his beloved dog's essential operation by offering to mow lawns at $10 a time. The story hit the headline around the world, and anyone wishing to donate may make a check out to Richard Reister and send it to his home at
1726 W. Brady,
MI 48616.

Naming your dogs

What's your dog called? Why is he called that, and how long did it take you to choose? Host Julie takes a look at the pros and cons of naming your dog, and in the process reveals a few embarrassing secrets.
