Have you ever dreamed of your dog becoming a famous movie star? In this episode you can hear what it's like when your dog moves in celebrity circles.
Onion is a miniature Bull Terrier who has appeared in a Ewan McGregor film, a pop video, and has been painted, sculpted and illustrated! All this and her career started unintentionally!
Onion is no prima donna though, and enjoys her walks in the park as much as her strolls down the red carpet. A look at her website will quickly tell you that this is a dog with a sense of humour too.
Hear what it's like to be on a film-set with your dog, the training methods Sarah finds work best, and whether Onion enjoys her work. Plus what does a dog do with her fee? - Well this canine puts it to a very good use, find out how by listening to the interview.
Are you looking for a really enjoyable vacation experience with your dog? Well look no further than Camp Gone to the Dogs.
This is a holiday where you genuinely get to share life with your dog. It doesn't matter whether your dog is already well trained, or if you haven't quite achieved such a high level of obedience, and all breeds are welcome to try out the huge variety of activities.
The best thing about Camp Gone to the Dogs is their attitude - this is no canine boot camp, this is fun, fun, fun! Their aim is that you and your dog enjoy the vacation, they want to see happy smiles and wagging tails. Apparently once you've tried it, you'll keep going back for more, hear why from owner and organiser Jeanne, as she tells us why dogs and their owners think Camp Gone to the Dogs is so fantastic.
After our interview with Onion, Jenny has been inspired to find out about famous dogs. Discover how Lassie, Rin Tin Tin and Strongheart got their start in show business.
In the DogCast Radio news, there's outrage all over the place in the dog world. What will you make of it all?
The fiction feature for this episode is inspired by the newest member of the DogCast team, Tom, our retired guide dog. How does a dog who's enjoyed working all his life adapt to retirement? Just how easy is it to twiddle your thumbs when you've only got paws?