Training your dog can be difficult can't it? Taking on a disabled dog also has its own challenges. So we were amazed when we discovered Stevie, a Bernese Mountain dog who has been blind since birth.
Owner Jill took Stevie on as a rescue dog when he was a small puppy, and she tells us of her experiences with him. What does training a blind dog involve? What is every day life like with a blind dog?
Surely a dog who can't see can't do agility? - Well yes he can actually, and if you have to see it top believe it check out this great video of Stevie.
Jill tells us what Stevie has achieved, his attitude to life, and how he interacts with other dogs. She also tells us what she has learned from living with such an incredible dog.
Do you fall into conversation with other dog owners easily? Do you have a lot in common with other dog lovers?
Well now you can talk to them online all over the world with Pet Street. Maurice Melzak is the man behind Pet Street and he tells us about this online community for pet lovers.
Not only can you create your own page, but your pet can have one too. You can upload photos of you and your pets, and you can even put videos on. In the blog feature you can tell everyone about life with your pets.
To explore Pet Street go to and don't forget to get in touch with Julie, Jenny, Buddy, Star and Tom - we're all on Pet Street already.
Buddy's Diary is back, and in this entry, Buddy muses on how well - or otherwise - he understands not only his people, but also his fellow dogs. Why do humans waste so much time on silly activities? Why is Star so naughty? And why won't people put socks to their best use?
In Puppy Playtime, Jenny tells you how you can have fun with your dog and a hoop. Also, do you know why dogs sniff bottoms? Jenny thinks she has the answer!
In the DogCast Radio News, hear how some dogs enjoy travelling, and how some have had problems. Talking of problems, Victoria Stillwell is great at solving dog related ones - so listen up to find out where you can catch her program It's Me or the Dog.
Buddy and Star have a new member in their pack. Tom the Labrador has joined the DogCast team, but how has he fitted in, and what changes has he caused?