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Episode 30 - Dog intelligence

Released Sat November 25, 2006
Length: 0:40:55
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Dogs Only

Selma recovers at Dogs Only
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Dogs Only is a charity based in the Little Rock and Central Arkansas area, devoted to helping dogs in need of a new home. Dogs in the area face a variety of horrendous problems, and the devoted volunteers of Dogs Only put a lot of effort into rehabilitating dogs. This not only involves finding them new loving reliable families to love, but can mean behavioral training, or medical treatment.

In this episode you can hear Peter Farrell talk about his experiences working for the charity. The Dogs Only website has details of dogs available for adoption, as well as a wealth of useful information, and some inspirational dog related stories.

For more information about Dogs Only, some great articles, and suggestions of how you can support the vital work going on, check out the Dogs Only website.

Dog rescue is an emotional minefield, and many of the dogs Peter has helped stay vividly in his mind.

Find out more about Selma, who suffered appalling gunshot injuries, and was nursed back to health at Dogs Only.

Rio outsmarted his owners
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Hear the story of Rio, the dog who was too intelligent for her own good, and outwitted her owners.

At 10 months old, duke is already 110 pounds
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Check out Duke who is a great big puppy in need of a home. Be warned though - he really is big!

Dogs intelligence

Are you a fan of pedigrees or do you prefer crossbreeds? Opinions on this area can be very heartfelt, and the issue is clouded in myth. Which is more intelligent though, a pure pedigree or a mixed up mutt?

At Aberdeen University in Scotland, Dr David Smith and his students have been investigating this very matter. A variety of dogs were tested and the results make interesting listening.

The research is still on going, and you and your dog can participate where ever you are. If you are in the UK you can join in with research about the effect fish oils can have on a dog's intelligence.

Two Minute Fiction

In two minute fiction, you can hear the story of Charlie a big brave dog, who's scared of water.

Charlie's owner thinks that Charlie is also suffering unrequited love. When the occasion calls for it, can Charlie become or hero?


DogCast Radio News brings you a special report on the odd, expensive and downright dangerous objects our dogs sometimes swallow.
