Do you wish you could take your dog on vacation with you? Would you love to let your canine companion enjoy the fun of discovering new places together? Well now you can, because Barbara Whitaker has the advice you need.
Whether you're looking for somewhere dog friendly to stay, or you want help to get organized when you hit the road with your dog, she can help you.
Barbara has written two travel guides - Have Dog Will Travel the California edition, and the Oregon-Washington-Idaho edition.
Barbara was inspired to write her guides by her experiences traveling with her own dog, Ginger. When other people commented to Barbara that it was "too hard" to travel with a dog, she set about the task of proving to them just how easy it can be, with a little forward planning.
For more information about Barbara, her guides and to get Ginger's list to help you pack for your dog, visit Barbara's website.
Were you aware that October has been a good month for dogs? Did you know how good having or mixing with dogs is for us humans?
In Puppy Playtime Jenny tells us all about this, and has some suggestions, so that even if you don't have a dog of your own, you can still reap the health benefits dogs bring. After all, what other species encourages us to get out and about with daily exercise, and then aids our relaxation once back at home?
Physically and mentally dogs are great for people, so listen up and find out more!
Anita Bax is a world class groomer, having won golden scissors awards in both the UK and the US.
Anita also breeds poodles, and is a great enthusiast about the breed. You can hear Anita's overview of the breed she loves, as she tells us about a special litter she has bred.
If you thought poodles are always solid white, black, or apricot, think again, because they can be party colored. Anita told us about her beautiful and unusual puppies, and the problems she was having registering them.
If you have one of these unusually marked dogs, we'd love to see photos or video of your dog.
In the DogCast Radio News hear about the marvelous work being done by 4 Paws For Ability, founded by Karen Shirk. 4 Paws For Ability supplies a variety of assistance dogs, and on the organization's website you can read Karen's inspiring experiences with her own assistance dog, Ben.
You can also hear about two different approaches to using police dogs on either side of the Atlantic, how Kobe the terrier was lost and found, traveling a huge distance in-between, plus, Kate and Nick have details of a great new website to help you care for your dog.
In Two Minute Fiction, hear the story The Benchmark, written and read by host Julie.
Two women meet on a park bench, and one shares her heartbreak with the other.