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Episode 21 - Dog Paddling Adventures and healing dogs

Released Sat July 8, 2006
Length: 0:45:22
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Dog Paddling Adventures

We all know that participating in activities with our dogs helps strengthen the bond between us, as well as being highly enjoyable.

Does a canoeing holiday with your dog sound like fun? How about hikes in beautiful scenery where your dog can run free? When winter sets in you could try Skijoring and kick sledding.

If you would enjoy an exciting vacation experience that your dog can accompany you on, you are going to love hearing about Dog Paddling Adventures.

How many times have you been told that dogs are welcome, only to find that actually they must be on a lead, and are not allowed access to a whole variety of areas? There's none of that at Dog Paddling Adventures - hear about the wonderful opportunities on offer here, where dog is truly just as welcome as you are.

Animal healing

These days when we're dealing with our dogs' health we are not confined to visiting the vet. There's a growing acceptance of "alternative" therapies, and owners and dogs benefit from having a wide variety of treatments to choose from.

Margrit Coates is the UK's only full time animal healer, and also an animal communicator.

Margrit has treated many dogs, but also a wide variety of animals from the domestic to the exotic, including mice, cows and penguins.

She gives us a fascinating insight into the healing she offers to animals, and what it's like to live with such a strong empathy with animals.

Margrit has produced two CDs, Animal Healing and Music for Pets, which you can find out more about here.

DogCast has a set of Margrit's CDs for you to win. Just email us at with the answer to this question:

Which Antarctic bird has Margrit Coates treated?

Two minute fiction

In Two Minute Fiction hear Dog Fight. We all think our dog is the best in the world - but can that lead to problems?


Our news team Kate and Nick bring you the usual mix of dog related events and occurrences that you might otherwise miss out on.

This time you can hear how shops have been getting on the wrong side of the law, for both excluding and allowing dogs onto their premises.

Find out how police dogs are helping police in their duties - and being honoured for it, and the lengths one ex-Crufts judge went to get her dogs back when they were stolen.

Other items

Host Julie brings you a touching poem that sums up a lot of our attitudes towards our dogs.

Buddy has received his first email, in which he is offered advice on dealing with the arrival of our new puppy, Star.
