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Episode 19 - Dog allergies and faithful dogs

Released Sat June 10, 2006
Length: 0:45:36
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Pet allergies

How much do you know about dog allergies? If you listen to our interview with Shirlee Kalstone, author of "Allergic to Pets? The Breakthrough Guide to Living with the Animals You Love", you will hear things you didn't know you didn't know, and also discover that some of the facts you thought you knew are wrong!

Shirlee's book is informative and entertaining, and gives invaluable advice on living with animals you are allergic to.

Being allergic to dogs, doesn't necessarily mean being unable to share your home with one, but many myths have been built up around this area. Can you find a "hypoallergenic" dog? Can any one breed be the answer to your problems? Shirlee discusses this and much more. See how many questions you can answer correctly in our true or false quiz about allergies.

What dog owners can tell scientists

Dog hair is the bane of most dog owners' lives. We groom it, wash it, and ensure it's free of fleas. To make matters worse, we even have to sweep and vacuum it from our floors, brush it off our clothes, and often pick it out of our food!

Who would have guessed it held the secrets of the universe? This article is a mix of sound scientific knowledge and the madness that living with a dog brings - Stephen Hawking listen up!

Puppy Playtime

We return to the theme of living with allergies in Puppy Playtime when Jenny interviews Adelaide.

Adelaide developed a severe dog allergy, which even saw her spending New Year's Eve in hospital. How does she deal with her reactions, and has she found anything that helps her?

Allergies to animals can cause heartbreak, but even if you can't have your own dog, it doesn't mean you can't interact with them. Hear how one little girl deals with her allergy.

Buddy's Diary

Buddy is a dog who gets around, and in his diary this week, he tells us how he feels about the various modes of transport he has experienced.

Does he prefer the car, the boat, the train or plain old walking? Why do his people have so many devices to spoil his fun when he travels? Is the journey better than the arrival?

It's all good fun with Buddy around, so enjoy his latest Buddy's Diary.

Faithful Dogs

We all love our dogs for their faithfulness, and we bring you a celebration of that steadfast canine nature.

When you bring a dog into your life you discover an unwavering supporter who will stand by you when no one else will, even if doing so puts him in danger.

Hear these remarkable tales of doggy devotion of that most faithful of friends.

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