She's a lady, she's got a dog, and a website:
If you have a question about dog related issues, then you too could ask Dog Lady.
Dog Lady does not answer medical or aggression problems, but anything else - ask away! The answer will be Dog Lady's take on the situation, helpful but definitely with a humourous touch. After all, who can survive life with a dog without a sense of humour?
Dr. Coren is Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, and his knowledge of both psychology and dogs gives him a unique perspective.
This interview makes fascinating listening, as Dr. Coren tells us why signs are useful in training- but more than that, how you can use them to help "age-proof" your dog.
He is the author of "How dogs think" and "How to speak dog".
You can find out more about Stanley Coren at his website.
In Puppy Playtime, for our younger listeners, Jenny tells us about the research she has been doing into just that subject.
Which monarch let his dog give birth in the royal bed? Which devoted dog refused to leave his royal mistress even at the very end? Which ruler wrote a best seller about his favourite dog?
Find out all this and more.
Plus we bring you some more dog quotes we love.
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