Released Sat February 11, 2006
Length: 0:40:10 Download MP3 (9.2MB) (To save MP3 file, right click and select 'Save Target As')
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Great Danes
Calomar Total Stardom at a UK Great Dane show Click on photo for larger image.
In this episode we bring you a breed profile of one of the largest dog breeds, the Great Dane.
These are tall, sturdy dogs who have a serious, dignified expression. With an impressive physique and a big bark to match, are they hard to handle or big softies at heart?
We spoke to several Great Dane owners at a show, some of whom were members of the Great Dane Lovers forum.
Training Issues
What do you do if your dog takes a dislike to men, and has no inhibitions about showing her dislike?
Jo tells us about her Miniature Schnauzer, Pippa, who barks at all strange men. Giving her expert advice on this problem is Mim Edwards, a professional dog trainer from Adelaide, Australia.
Mim has a variety of strategies to help support Pippa and correct her behaviour.
Buddy's Diary
Buddy has discovered how devious humans can be, tempting him with his favourite food in return for good behaviours.
His favourite food is cheese, and he will do almost anything to get it, he loves it. However, is his strong love of cheese a weakness that his people can exploit?
In the DogCast Radio news, find out where the best fed dogs in Paris get their treats.
Guide Dogs for the blind is celebrating 75 years of supporting blind and partially sighted people in the UK.
Plus, discover the dog show that made the most of the internet, and how dog tags have gone digital!
Other items
All this and more, including things your dog would definitely want to say to you.