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Episode 10 - Dogs, DNA and Greyfriars Bobby

Released Sat January 28, 2006
Length: 0:43:12
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Dogs and DNA

Can DNA be used to help identify lost or stolen dogs and help reunite them with their family? Yes it can, and we talk to DNA expert George Clottey about the fast and effective service his company Blueprint Healthcare is offering.
However, DNA is a very powerful tool and can be used for much more than just identification purposes.
Find out how DNA is gaining importance in the fight to improve dog health, and how it can provide a vital insight into your dog's health.

Buddy's Diary

Buddy, Jenny and Venna
Buddy, Jenny and Venna
Click on photo for larger image.
In Buddy's Diary, Buddy tells how he has encountered and overcome the problem of another dog accompanying him on walks.
Life as a Labrador is never that easy though, and just when he thought he had everything worked out, he was just at the beginning of another challenge.


In the DogCast Radio news, find out what America's favourite dog breed is, along with the breeds rising and falling in popularity.
The news also brings you more scientific proof that spending time with you dog is good for your health.

Greyfriars Bobby

Do you know the story of Greyfriars Bobby? This touching and true story from 19th century Scotland is the subject of a new film.
You will be touched by the strength of attachment between dog and man. Find more about Greyfriars Bobby at

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