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Episode 9 - Dogs and kids, dog creches and Nintendogs

Released Sat January 14, 2006
Length: 0:24:07
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Children and dogs

If you have a dog and children Pam Dennison has some frank advice for you. The author of An Idiot's Guide to Positive Dog Training (link) tells us the problems that can occur when we expect a dog to fit into modern family life. A thought provoking interview.

Pam is the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Positive Dog Training, and has some amazing insights into training that may well revolutionise your relationship with your dog.

Dog Creche

What does your dog do during the day if you work? If you don't amuse him, he'll find ways to amuse himself, which aren't always what we had in mind. It can be problematic to combine a dog with going out to work, and a dog creche might be the answer. One dog creche provider gives us insight into canine day care.

Two Minute Fiction

In two minute fiction, read our very own Nick from DogCast Radio news, hear first hand how disturbing it is to live with a dog addict.

Puppy Playtime

In Puppy Playtime, Jenny reviews Nintendogs, and gives ideas for junior listeners to create their own dog magazine.

Plus host Julie gets something off her chest - and gives you some good reasons to scoop the poop!
