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Episode 3 - Huskies and Newfoundlands

Released Sat October 15, 2005
Length: 0:40:05
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Dog sledding adventures

Arleigh Jorgenson
Click on photo for larger image.
In episode three of DogCast Radio, discover the fantastic dog sledding holidays Arleigh Jorgenson can provide.

Dog sled adventures
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Hear how exhilarating working a dog team is, and what its like to develop a working relationship with theses athletic huskies.

The holidays can be tailored to most ages and abilities, no experience required!

Ersahl & Reggie
Click on photo for larger image.

Newfoundland water rescue training

How much do you know about that shaggy gentle giant of the dog world, the Newfoundland? These huge dogs love the water, and we visited a training club, Paddlepaws, to find out about water training.

Newfoundland water rescue video
Video:Small - Mpeg 1
1:25 320X200 3.9MB
Video:Big - Mpeg 1
1:25 640X480 14.0MB

If you are in the UK you can contact Karen or Dean on 01162849483 for more information.

Training tips

Mim Edwards from Adelaide, Australia, gives incisive advice about teaching your dog to walk on a lead without pulling.

Mim has a very positive spin on training, which your dog will certainly appreciate!

Puppy Playtime

In Puppy Playtime - our feature for younger listeners - Jenny reviews an entertaining and informative website How to love your dog - A kid's guide to dog care which she enjoys using.

Click on photo for larger image.
Also hear how much fun the game Dogopoly is.

Jenny and Buddy playing Dogopoly
Click on photo for larger image.
Buddy certainly enjoys playing.

Other items

Our Two Minute Fiction feature tells the story of a rescue dog, plus brush up your dog knowledge with out did you knows!

The next episode will be on October 29th.

From next month, we are moving to a twice monthly format, on the second and fourth Saturday of each month, so the next but one episode will be November 12.
