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English Springer Spaniel breed profile

Training and intelligence
It is relatively easy to train an English Springer Spaniel, although they can want to do things their own way, so gently establish who is in charge - and make sure it is you! They are intelligent dogs, who want to please, and will respond well to praise and rewards.

English Springer Spaniels are happy, affectionate companions. They make very good playmates for children, and they love their whole family. Although they are active dogs, they are happy to curl up with you in the house, as long as they have had sufficient exercise.

Attitude towards strange dogs and people
The English Springer Spaniel views everyone as a friend, and will want to greet them with enthusiasm. They are no problem with strange people, although they can sometimes be difficult with other dogs, so socialisation with other dogs is important.

Grooming and shedding
English Springer Spaniel coats vary in length, but the longer the coat, the more grooming necessary to stop the fur tangling. Springers can be prone to ear infections, and the ears have to be kept clean, and inspected regularly.

This is a high energy dog, and English Springer Spaniels need lots of exercise. They are intelligent dogs that do well at activities such as agility, which exercises mind as well as body. Springers generally love the water, so swimming is an alternative way to let them burn off that considerable energy.

Need for company
English Springer Spaniels need company. They adore their people, and want to be with them as much as possible. A Springer left alone too much may well become destructive and some bark when they are lonely.

Their cheerful outlook on life in general, and their affectionate nature make the English Springer Spaniel an excellent family dog. They do love water and mud, so be prepared to clean them up regularly.


Darcie - photo by Joshua Atkins


OH my gawd! this just helped

OH my gawd! this just helped me a whole lot in learning about springer spaniels :]
i could of gone to any other website but this just puts it in a penut shell :D
I will be fostering six of them soon and this was a lot of help :D

we have same problem with

we have same problem with our springern pup he is 10 weeks old and is nipping my children just brought him a lot of toys to chew see if that does the trick

No there not there the

No there not there the cutest dogs ever!

My family were looking for the perfect dog and
it turned out to be an English Springer Spaniel!
Ours is happy to be left alone for 3 hours in the morning the someone will take him for a 45 minute walk and then be left for mabey about 4 hours in the afternoon,and then if it is a nice night we go for a long walk for about an hour and a half or if it is cold or raining we go for a half hour walk and thats anuff for him.We brush hin 3 days a week and bath him every 2nd day.We have had him for 4 years since he was 11 weeks old,and hes never even snapped at anyone.He loves other dogs and getting cuddles and it doesn't take long for him to get used to strangers.He is the best dog anyone could have and he's won 7 medals for obedience and 3 for agility so if you are looking for a family dog thats good with everyone including children then an ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL is the one for you!

The English Springer Spaniel, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DOG!!! I have had the greatest pleasure in owning two of these wonderful dogs. They are highly affectionate, loving, loyal and trusting. They love to play, love your company, love their exercise - they seem to love everything! They say "Money can`t buy you love", but when I bought my two Springers, thats exactly what I bought! The only fault dogs have, is that their lifespan, very sadly doesn`t match our own and to be prepared for the heartache when the time comes to let them go. Be free, our best buddies, we love you! xxxx

ugly dogs

We had an English Springer Spaniel thrust upon us. Molly (named by her previous owner), is a very quiet, very gentle, and a bit lazy dog. Shes about 6 years old, and doesnt chew on anything, nor picks anything up in her mouth. Shes uninterested in balls/toys. She just loves to be pet and be with us humans.
Only becomes real active when we're out on walk.

I cannot think of a better dog with children. Our children (now 12 and 14) learned how to walk by pulling themsleves up with our springers ears! Never a growl, never a snarl, just a king lick!

What can I do to stop my beautiful 15week old Springer(Ruby) from nipping me. She uses us as her teethers I think!