Training and intelligence
The Boxer is a clever breed, but you must make training fun to keep their attention. Boxers are intelligent and have a capacity to think independently, which means they can have a tendency to be dominant.
Boxers are playful and remain puppylike throughout their lives. They are perticularly patient with children, and will play with them or just keep them company.
Attitude towards strange dogs and people
Their appearance can be an effective deterrrent, but though boxers may have watchdog tendencies, they are not natural guards. They can however be protective over their people. They can be wary around strangers. They are playful with other dogs.
Grooming and shedding
Boxers are not heavy shedders, and their short coat needs minimal brushing.
Boxers are lively playful dogs with lots of energy, and they need plenty of walking and free running to keep them content.
Need for company
Boxers love their poeple, and like to be with them as much as possible. Also, leaving them too long with result in a bored dog, and a bored dog is a destructive dog.
Boxers can cope badly with hot or cold extremes of weather. They snore and many drool.
Photo by Jedinate