Training and intelligence
The Jack Russell Terrier can do well at training, but you must show you are in control. They are strong characters, with deep rooted hunting instincts and so they may need to ba kept on a lead.
The Jack Russell Terrier is a real mixture in that while he is loving, affectionate and loyal, he is also independent, clever and determined.
Attitude towards strange dogs and people
Although Jack Russells are usually friendly towards strange people, they can be aggressive towards other dogs, so it is essential to start early and continue with socialisation.
Grooming and shedding
The Jack Russell Terrier does not shed much, and its short coat needs minimal brushing.
Jack Russell Terriers can make do with little exercise as long as they have a garden to tear around. However, they will appreciate opportunities to enjoy longer walks and free running.
Need for company
Jack Russell Terriers love to be with their people. It is also advisable not to leave them alone too much as a bored Jack Russell Terrier is a destructive one.
Jack Russell Terriers are very hardy little dogs, and they can jump much higher than you would think to look at them, This coupled with their enjoyment of digging necessitates a tall secure fence or wall around their garden. You need to understand the terrier temperament in order to live happily with one.
"Three Stooges" - photo by Mark Sanders
Hey, I agree with all that,
I agree with all that, but I do have to say this. Forget that your pup is a dog, they don't want to be a burden, or a load on your shoulders, they want to be there in the morning when you wake up, they want to be there beside you during dinnertime, Respect them, don't Ruin them with your idea of a dog house and stick them in there, so that when they start the most annoying bark, your neighbor or you goes out there to club the pup up side of the head!
Don't start off with You choosing the dog, let it choose you!
Maybe your favorite isn't the first one that wanders up to you and lays in your lap, but that pup chose You so accept it, leave your favorite, then find out who got that pup, just wait you'll see that cute pup wasn't everything you thought it would be!
Don't make a mistake, let yourself do the picking and you wonder why so many people can't handle the very sight of them!
But the one pup that chose you, will be your life time friend, your protecter, and your healer.
Ignore what other people say when they say No!, to your choice. Always follow your heart, not your ears, and I'm sure a little Jack will be toddling along behind you.
Trust me on this! I should know!
And look on the bright side, they lead you through many adventures, downfalls, but mostly they keep you running a straight path right alongside them!
P.S. You just can't have one, you got to have them all, if that is humanly possible!
try changing his diet some
try changing his diet
some foods are lacking in nutrients that may add to the shedding
Many years ago the Jack Russell terrier evolved from a mix of other English working terriers, so once in a while you will get a throw back in the way of an almost solid coloured Jack Russell Terrier (JRT), even from parents who are mostly white. Jack Russell Terriers are considered a white bodied working terrier, so technically speaking any JRT offspring that does not display 51% or more white on it's body cannot be called a JRT. According to the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Canada, "White should predominate (i.e., must be more than 51% white) with tan, black, or brown markings. Brindle markings are unacceptable". You can review this and more at the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America's web site,
i have a jack russell and she is amazing even though i had to hound my parents to get her for me. at first my mom hated her but now she loves her as much as anybody!!!!!!!!!!!
I think they are a really good breed, they are very loving, i have a Jack Russell called monti, he is 18 months old, he's a puppy and he is very loving and sweet towards me and my family.
My Jack Russell is very cute too and gets on with my two other dogs ( Remi my dobermann )and ( sandy my mungeral ) and all of my family.He also gets on with my boy cat leo.
I love the breed, great family pet.
I have a two year old jack named Lucy. She is so much fun and loves to run and play, gets along with kids and other dogs, and sometimes my cat. Absolutely loves the water and will jump in any chance she gets. Such a fun breed I hope to have another one some day!
I think jrts are cool i have one and everyone loves him.If he hears just one little noise he starts barking and hes only 22 weeks old hes a very good guard dog.
I love jack russels I have one she is so cute
My jack russell is 6 months old and he means everything to me except it seems like he never gets full, or that he never calms down, but i wouldn't change it for the world!!!!
jack russell terriers are so smelly they always do there thang!!!
jack russell terriers are so smelly they always do there thang!!!
My J.R.T, Turbo is almost 3years old and the most lovable little guy! He likes to dig, looks for rodents in the hay field, camp, and hike, bark and give lots of kisses. He also loves to run through the house like a "bat outta hell", jumping on and off the couch and teasing the other dogs I have. Despite his energy I wouldn't trade him for the world!
JRTs are some of the best dogs ever. However, they are strong minded and independent. When you give a command, you can tell they are thinking 'I don't want to do that, so why should I?'.Most JRTs are very hyper and encourage you to get a lot of exercise, but my little guy, Axel, is just a sweetheart that us about as eager to please as a lab! I believe that if you are looking for a dog to fit into an active lifestyle, these are the ones!
The Jack Russel is the best breed i have ever had. They are very good hunter's and are very playfull.
from when they are born and till they get old you can still see and hear the tuff ness in them.
i love jack russels
Haha, the Jack Russell is an amazing breed. They are so fun to go on walks with, and they're always looking for fun. The one thing I'd have to say though---my JRT sheds. ALOT. Does it vary from Russell to Russell? Because, my dog has hair exploding off of him. He's such a sweetie, though I love this breed, best breed ever. :)
Jack russels=awsum!
My JR is the best. She is so cute and loves other people and dogs. She love to be off her leash and run and she loves cuddling up too.
I have 3.. Spud Nemo Taz. All are completley different in size, build and character, BUT they are so lovable... Spud is more corgi like, Nemo i salso short legged, but broken coated with a sort of mane and his son Taz is bigger than all of them. They are the best guard dogs. they are all loyal, cuddly and despite the chaos and mayhem they provide I wouldn't swap them for the world... They are my babies.
I love my Jack Russell Snickers, she is so full of energy and a great companion. I reccomend this breed to everyone because they make such great pets!
We lost our beloved jack Chloe in april 07.She was 17 she gave us lots of very happy times, she was my baby i love and miss her so very much. "what a big empty hole she has left in my life" seeing all these lovely jacks brings it all back what a lovely companion she in peace my little one xx
i think they are a good breed they are lovin dogs n i ave 1 it is 12 months old n is very lovin. lyks sleepin wivth the cat ib his bed.they both looked reali cute xxx
sophie aged 15 years old xx
I have a Jack Russel and I personnally love them
i love my jack russell terrier. she is a loving loyal dog
I think Jack russels are great dogs to own because there easy to train there fast and not realy hard to wash and you dont have to buy many things for them.
hey this is taylor im 13 years old and I have a jack russel puppy and her name is lulu she is sooooo energetic and outgoing and she loves to play soccer i really like jack russles. we also have horses and me and lulu love to go on trail rides together! well just wanted to tell you a little bit about my jack russel!