Training and intelligence
Lhasa Apsos can be slow to housebreak. This is a breed that will not take at all kindly to being bullied. The trainer must be firm and consistent, and not overindulge the dog. They can have a tendency to be stubborn, and reward based training used with patience will get the best from this dog.
One of the best words to describe a Lhasa Apso is regal. They are also calm and loyal, although they can be strong willed. Don't be misled by the cute exterior - this dog is a lion on the inside!
Attitude towards strange dogs and people
The Lhasa Apso is naturally suspicious of strangers, and so needs thorough socialisation. They have very good watch dog instincts, but care must be taken that this doesn't carry over into ianpropriate guarding behaviour.
Grooming and shedding
If you have the long coat clipped for ease of maintenance it will then need regular clipping. If you leave the coat long, it will need lots of grooming. The Lhasa Apso benfits from regular bathing too.
Lhasa Apsos do not need exessive amounts of exercise, although a regular opportunity to use up some energy will keep him happy.
Need for company
Lhasa Apsos really don't enjoy being left alone.
Don't make the mistake of allowing this gorgeous looking dog to do as he pleases. If you put the effort into persuading him to behave as you find acceptable, the Lhasa Apso can be a great companion.
Amos - photo by Joyce Chen
this dog looks just like my
this dog looks just like my dog i think its looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your description of Lhasas
Your description of Lhasas has helped us to understand our new dog. We recently adopted him from our local Humane Society, and of course we expected some challenges since we didn't know the history, and adopted an adult dog. We were so pleasantly surprised at not only the intelligence but the obedience of this dog. He was a stray in the country which becomes more sad each day--obviously this was a dog someone loved and spent time on and we can't even guess at the circumstances that brought him to the pound. But we are very lucky to have found him--he is calm and very obedient, knows many commands, is pretty much perfectly house trained (which must have been a challenge if your description is accurate!!) and seems very used to and accepting of being alone for hours every day. He is very laid back and unafraid, which makes us also assume he was never abused, takes well to visitors and our
"granddog," a Maltese, and almost never barks. He's a gem, and I would recommend this type of dog to anyone wanting a small breed. It's obvious that once the time is invested in training, a Lhasa will be a perfect pet!!
I love my Lhasa Apso to death. I would really like another one. Mine is 1 1/2. Anyone who needs a home for one they can no longer have e-mail me
my lhasa is the best its just an awsome companion
I have three Lhasa's - A bitch called Honey, 15 months old; another bitch called Lexi aged 10 months old and just recently, a male called Bruce - four months old! I love them all but Honey is my baby, my soul (she was the first)!!! She is so good, always clean, always faithful with the most sweet, sweet nature and kindness in her heart! So loving, just fantastic - if she died, I think I would die! Lexi is lovely too but with a 'bolshier' nature (very much a guard dog)! Very much her own - but, we have to accept this don't we? Humans have their tendencies so why not dogs? She is just as beautiful too by the way and we love her too. And last but not least, Bruce!!! Well, he has such a sweet nature!! And guess what, he is from the same breeder as Honey, the eldest! Fabulous temperaments!!!!!!!!! Lexi is from a breeder in Blackburn (fabulous dog by the way).
My Lhasa's mean the world to me and I look after them with my life just as I do my family, because, my dogs are family!!
Please, anyone looking for a Lhasa and are not sure - well, it will be the best move you will ever make - yes, they are gorgeous to look at but my goodness, they give so much love back hundred-fold and by the way, they love children (as long as you teach children not to 'drag them around by the ears and coat - they respect children if children respect them'). After all, would you like to be dragged around???
This breed are wonderful - they are my life!!!!
Have one and if you do, be genuine, please do not 'time-waste' any breeders! It would not be fair.
Thank you for reading this.
Mrs Iredale xxxxxx
I have a 2yr old girl lhasa and what wonderful little dogs they are ,very strong willed and stubburn at times but i think there great, is anyone elses lhasa crazy about balls because mine is totally in love with hers.
Great book. I just want to say what a fantastic thing you are doing! Good luck!
I have a very loyal dog; while she is dedicated to me she is very social and will pay attention to anyone who gives her affection.
I took her took to dog obedience to learn manners: sitting, staying, heeling, etc., but she cannot still her to go off lease. I don't feel that just because she is "cute and small" that she should be allowed free reign on furniture and people.
She is very possessive and snarls at anyone who comes near me.
Any thougths or help would be greatly appreciated.
Tashie is the cutest.