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Shih Tzu breed profile

Training and intelligence
You won't get far trying to bully this a Shih Tzu. They are intelligent, and gentle, reward based training will persuade this breed best. Although they are friendly, they can have a tendency to be stubborn.

Shih Tzu's are very people orientated dogs. They are generally affectionate and relaxed. They are cheerful and playful, and thirve on interaction with people.

Attitude towards strange dogs and people
Everyone is a friend to a Shih Tzu. They are sociable, happy dogs, and they love to meet people. They are not aggressive towards other dogs, and have no real guarding instincts.

Grooming and shedding
Unless the coat is clipped, it is high maintenance. Shih Tzus don't shed much.

Shih Tzus are very active and have considerable amounts of energy. Some of their energy can be used up by playing.

Need for company
Shih Tzus love to be with their people, and can be destructive if left alone too long.

Daily routine with a Shih Tzu should include cleaning the eyes. With the right care they should enjoy a long life.


"Have snow will play" photo by Dustin Hutcheson


That comment is exact about

That comment is exact about our baby Shitzu Princess

A very lovey breed of dog, very sweet and good temperment.I would recomend this breed to anyone who loves dogs

Well I have a nine month shih tzu turning ten month at the end of jan30 I would probably pick this breed over any other breed of dog Im a big dog lover I had a sheltie but he shed like crazy and the shih tzu doesn't shed a lot I love to play with her take her for long walks and to play with her boy friend winston well if anybody loves this breed of dog it is probaly the best thing to do her name is jasmine her nickname is jazzy:)

This is the best breed anyone could have. My Shih Tzu Lali never barks, unless she wants to go to the bathroom and you ignore her. I recomend this dog to all people. They don't shed, bite, or misbehave.

I own a seven month shih tzu and he is the best gift I've received, he is a beautiful,lovable dog. Playful and super smart. Romeo is the best!!!!!

I have a Shih Tzu dog. his name is booter and is 7 years old. I live in the State of AZ and gets really hot in the summer so i rarley leave him out side.. i

if shih tzus are left in the heat for a long time he/she can die :-(

a loverly breed intellgiant and good with people
espeially old people
a recommended breed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!