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Poodle breed profile

Training and intelligence
The Poodle is very intelligent and, in theory at least, very trainable. They can be a challenge to occupy, but be gentle and consistent. These dogs are particularly sensitive to your voice, which you can use to your advantage.

There are three different sizes of Poodle, and obviously character differs accodring to size. In general the Poodle has an abundance of desirable qualities - they are clever, affectionate, playful and lively.

Attitude towards strange dogs and people
Poodles are alert - they make good watch dogs, but have no real guarding instincts. They are generally friendly to strangers, people or dogs.

Grooming and shedding
Poodles famously don't shed, but they will need plenty of grooming and clipping. Don't be fooled into thinking a Poodle is the answer if you have dog allergies. Some Poodles may not aggravate some people's allergies, but this is not a sure thing.

All Poodle love exercise, but obvisouly the bigger the Poodle, the more exercise they will need. Bare I mind that poodle are very intelligent, will love training activities such as agility and flyball, and also will enjoy learning tricks.

Need for company
Poodles love family life and will want to be with you as much as possible. As with all intellignet breeds, if they are left alone too much they will find their own ways to relieve the bordeome.

Poodles are wonderful companions, being very in tune with their owners, and the variety of size means there is probably a poodle to suit most homes. However - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HYPOALLERGENIC DOG.


Mercury and Tag - photo by Karen James


I must protest--the best guard dog I have ever had was a miniture poodle! He stopped two-yes TWO-burgulars from entering the household. Between hubby and I we have had German Shephards, Labadors, Huskies, Belguim Tervurians, and poodles. And trust me, poodles make EXCELLENT guard dogs who will protect their property and owners beyond just barking.

Please remember that puppy socialisation and genetic traits may influence your Poodle's personality. Normally fabulous companions and family dogs there are always exceptions to the rule - some owners have a lot to answer for! So treat your Poodle with love and respect and be very careful where you purchase a puppy from. :-)

Our Sebastian (Toy poodle, male, 1 yr old as of July 07) is a GREAT dog! He loves to learn new tricks, he's so smart, loving, social with other dogs, likes children, is protective of me (the wife of the home) and truly looks to my husband for leadership and commands. My husband taught Sebastian sign language, we don't even have to use words for our commands! He's a picky eater, though. That's my only complaint, he'd rather starve than eat something he doesn't enjoy! Or maybe he's trained me (because he's so darn smart!) to change out his food to his liking. Who knows! But we absolutely adore and love our toy poodle! I'm going to post a picture of him too!