Training and intelligence
Firm and patient training will pay off. Border Terriers are intelligent and trainable, although they have a strong instinct to chase, so a reliable recall will take time and practice to achieve.
Border Terriers are one of the easier going terriers. They bond with their family well, especially children. This breed is playful and affectionate and like to involved with family acctivities.
Attitude towards strange dogs and people
Aggression is not a problem, they love people, especially children, and get on well with other dogs. Border Terriers are friendly, although puppies may go through a shy phase, and socialisation is a must to help them through this.
Grooming and shedding
Border Terriers don't shed much. The more often they are stripped - which can be done at home or by a professional groomer - the shorter the coat will be. Less often attention will result in a longer coat, although grooming should start from about six months of age, and will probably have to be at least twice yearly.
Border Terriers have lots of energy, and so need lots of energy. To keep them really happy they need activities which occupy both body and mind.
Need for company
Border Terriers like the company of their loved ones. If you leave them alone too long their active minds will finds plenty of ways to occupy them, but probably not ones you would have chosen.
Border Terriers are very active busy puppies, although they do relax as they mature. As with many terriers they relish digging, and secure fencing is vital.
Frankie - photo by JAH
Border Terriers are
Border Terriers are definitely the best of all terriers, if not all dogs. They are amazingly obedient and friendly(with everyone, espeacially children), and are achingly cute! I have a four-year old Border, and she is like a sibling to me. Border Terriers RULE!
You are so right anon! You
You are so right anon! You only need three words to sum up the Border Terrier: best. dog. ever. My Border Terrier Tess is an absolute sweetheart, she loves everybody and is the cutest, scruffiest most adorable dog ever. Eager to please and gets the simple stuff, like bark if you need to go outside and do your business, sit etc. They love people, ive never seen a bt that hates humans!
i have a border but i would
i have a border but i would like to know how to teach him to be a wach dog he like and wiggle his tail to all can you give me a hint
You probably don't want to
You probably don't want to hear this, but I'd forget "teaching" him to be a watch dog and be thankful you have such a friendly dog. A dog is not - and should not be - a biological burglar alarm. If you try and "teach" him to be a watch dog you may well spoil his friendly approach. Get a burglar alarm and enjoy your dog for what he is - a wonderful companion.
Julie x
Right on, Julie. It's a
Right on, Julie. It's a lovely little dog we're talking about here, not a ruthless police dog. Thanking you, Mr.Wantmydogtobecomeaburglaralarm. And now I shall leave-in a Huff! Harumph!
my border pickles is very
my border pickles is very hrd to train but i love her and she run away of the lead but we got her back
I've always had dogs. Big
I've always had dogs. Big dogs. I've just come by my first small dog (and quite by accident, really), namely a young red border terrier bitch called Lulu (sorry!). Although I've not had her very long, she's already the biggest dog I've ever owned. Bright as a button and very sharp, but also with so much love to give and so easy to please. A delight to train (although impossible to tire be warned!), she's already taken a big place in my heart.
Leah :)
Hi, I have a border terrier,
Hi, I have a border terrier, four years old and I smiled when I read this page. It's as if it is describing exactly, Wag's personality - loves children, very playful, has a strong instinct to chase and loves attention from people. Very affectionate dog, I love her to bits and so do all the kids around the area.
Awwww :(
Awwww :(
hi i have a border terrier
hi i have a border terrier his name is moss, he is one fab dog a little dog inside a big dogs
body with loads of personnality love him to bits.
i have a border terrier and i think they are a very good type of breed to have!mine is called rafa ralf calland and he is like a little bro to me i love him sooooooo much! we enjoy long walks down in llandudno,fighting on the kitchen floor,playing in the garden,and he loves begging for food,so if yo are look fir a reliable dog/friend,go out and buy a border terrier.YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!
border terriers are the best breed ever
My uncle and auntie have a border terrier called Buster and they have come down from maccelsfield and he is just sooooooooo cute!!! I want to keep him.
i have one.he is the most freindly,scruffy,cutest, dog you will ever know and his personallity is the greatest thing about him he is so unique and is my pet.i got him from St. nicolas at wayed.Nr Margate.
Border terriers are soo cute i got mine for christmas 2006 and i love her to bits but then again i love all dogs !!!
I as a child think that border terriers are calm and very loving! I think they are loyal and when you are in need you always find them there! I have got a border terrier bitch she is calm and likes her tummy tickling lots and lots!!!
I love my BT to death and I can't even imagine owning another type or breed of dog - EVER.
Once you own one, you will never want to know another type or breed - they are the most under rated, under advertised, under popularized, under dog - that just happen to be the absolute best dog in the entire world.
I have a BT its sooo cute but then again i like all dogs!! Mine is called Butt!!!
Our Border Terrier, Chevy Chase, is the sweetest dog! He is very spunky and loves to play with other dogs, but at night time he will climb on your chest and snuggle up with you. He puts on a big show everytime we go to the dog-park as he loves to get all the dogs chasing him! Having a Border is like having a great lab who only weighs about 16 lbs and you can take him everywhere.
we love border terriers and are planning on getting a puppy soon! The information on this site has helped us a great deal. We thank you greatly for making this site!
i have a border called scruffy and he is so cute and so passive. I love him to bits and i couldn't imagine my life without scruff!!
Oh my Lord - I have a border terrier - Alfie - and he is the sweetest cutest dog I have evr known. He can be a little cheeky monkey sometimes but I would never change that!! He is the most loyal pet I have ever known and has his own fantastic little character!! best decision I ever made to get a border terrier!!
I had a wee border terrier called molly and she was 4 and she died on the 19 of july :(:(
I have a bt called Cracker she is very cute and loves to snuggle up and have a cuddle when she is sleepy
Our border terrier, Oscar, is the most perfect dog! He's calm in the house, but energetic and playful when you take him out. He's so well-behaved and rarely has to be told no more than once. He's very friendly and sweet and everyone who meets him just loves him! He's very tolerant and great around kids. I can't imagine ever finding a better dog.
I rescued a terrier mix puppy when he was 6 weeks old. His name is Murphy and I adore him. I was told he is half wheaten terrier but when I look at pictures of border terriers he looks exactly like them. The only exception is that he has longer hair and a bushy tail that curls up onto his back. Does anyone have any idea if border terriers sometimes have longer hair?
i love border terriers mine is Rafa he gets a walk at 6 in the morning for half an hour and a big walk after tea ,we went up to llandudno today and let him off his lead he loved it.I love him so much i think borders are the best dog in the world .
My experience is that each BT is very true to the breed. They are wonderful pets, cute (as everyone here says), and have personality. The downside is the coat stripping. They love the outdoors and also a lap. We love ours, named Grizzly.
I have a Border Terrier called Betsy and she is sooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best bordr you will ever see
ther the beeeeesssstttt!!!!!!!!!!!