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Mad About The Dog

Review Author: 
Julie Hill
Book Author: 
Belnda Harley

When Belinda Harley goes on holiday to the Greek island of Paxos, she encounters and falls in love with a dog called Goofy. Goofy is just as keen on Belinda as she is on him, and he makes it clear that he wants to remain with her. Goofy already has owners, but frankly that is the least of the obstacles that lie between him, Belinda and happy every after.

After spending a few happy weeks together, Goofy returns to his owners, while Belinda sadly returns to London, but when she hears that Goofy is about to be dumped on the mainland, she makes a decision that will lead her on a long, difficult frustrating path – she will adopt Goofy. It is a testament to the strength the human-canine bond can attain that Belinda persists through all the difficulties and finally she brings Goofy to the UK.

Goofy takes his relocation in his stride and settles down happily to life in London, extending Belinda’s social circles and enriching her life no end. When their story is featured in a newspaper, the pair find themselves invited onto television programs too. Goofy’s interactions with his own doggy friends are recounted too.

As most dog owners do, I love to hear other dog owners’ experiences. Perhaps it is reassuring to know that I am not the only one who loves her dog to bits, not the only one who interprets his actions and imagines his thoughts, and revels in time with her dog. Belinda Harley gave me all that reassurance and more. She and Goofy share more than ten years together, and she captures and conveys the character of her feisty little dog with humour and emotion.

As with all dogs, Goofy’s time comes to an end all too soon, and Belinda tells this honestly and movingly. If you have lost a dog you loved you will identify with Belinda’s words and I think they will bring you comfort too.

I thoroughly enjoyed the life and love story of this stray dog who found happiness with a woman who met him by chance and had the courage to act on her emotions, rather than take the easier, but emptier, course.