Once the favored canine of Egyptian nobles before the time of Christ, the Pharaoh Hound, known as Kelb Tal-Fenek in its native Malta, continues to fascinate modern-day dog lovers. Prized for his elegant sighthound build and his rich tan coloration, this handsome and durable working dog excels as a devoted companion and trusted watchdog. A rare breed around the world, the ever-blushing Pharaoh Hound enjoys a growing fancy in America, making this Special Rare-Breed Edition a much-needed resource for all admirers of this breed. Written by hound-breed authority, Juliette Cunliffe, this colorful and comprehensive volume discusses the Pharaoh's history in Egypt, Malta and beyond, the breed's unique characteristics and personality and breed standard. The new owner will welcome the author's insightful advice about training this sensitive and intelligent breed as well guidance on puppy selection and care, house-training and health care. In addition to an authoritative text, written with both the pet owner and breed fancier in mind, this book presents over 135 color photographs that prove to be as attractive as they are informative. Whether protecting his family, entertaining the children or chasing a lure in a coursing event, the Pharaoh Hound promises a lifetime of joy for the right family.