A stylish Schnauzer in miniature, this German companion dog rises above the crowd with his distinctive eyebrows and whiskers. The Miniature Schnauzer reigns as one of the world's most popular and recognizable companion dogs. Smart in appearance and attitude, this Schnauzer adds spice, salt and pepper to the lives of his master and family. Alert and protective, this terrier makes an excellent watchdog, intuitively knowing friend from vermin. Few pure-bred dogs boast such handsome looks, hardy health and well-rounded intelligence. This useful and informative book, illustrated with over 135 color photographs, provides up-to-date, concise discussions about the breed's history in Europe and America, characteristics and standard, as well as puppy selection, feeding, obedience training, preventative health care and showing. The new owner will welcome the author's advice about puppy-proofing the home, housebreaking and preventing puppy problems.