Defined by its long and low outline, the Dachshund, whether sporting a Smooth, Wire or Long coat, in Miniature or Standard varieties, is counted among the most popular dogs in the world. This lively and intelligent dog is the symbol of courage and boldness, hailed as one of Germany's greatest contributions to the dog world. What compares to the loyalty, pride and fidelity of a Dachshund? Only those same qualities in the Dachshund's owners! Once you have been owned by a Dachshund, there is no turning back. Written by long-time Dachshund fancier, Ingrid Schwartz, this colorful introductory guide provides discussions of breed history, characteristics and standard, as well as puppy selection, feeding, training, preventative health care and showing. The new owner will welcome advice about puppy-proofing the home, preparing for the pup's arrival, housebreaking and preventing puppy problems. In addition to an authoritative, comprehensive text, this book presents over 135 photographs in full color, which prove to be as informative as they are attractive.