Famous for his snow-white coat and his charming personality, the West Highland White Terrier is the most popular terrier in the world. As his millions of close friends call him, the "Westie" has admirers on every continent. This is a remarkably intelligent and compelling terrier who is as friendly and biddable as he is affectionate and handsome. This book, illustrated with over 135 color photographs, provides the much-needed factual information about Westies and their characteristics, history and standard, as well as puppy selection, feeding, training, preventative health care and behavior of the breed. The new owner will welcome the author's experience and advice about puppy-proofing the home, housebreaking and preventing puppy problems. Helpful hints and important information are highlighted to provide easy access to everything the reader needs to know about life with a West Highland White Terrier from puppyhood to the senior years.