Famous through the ages both as racers and hunters, these graceful dogs should be provided with plenty of space for exercise. Titles in this growing series are written especially for owners who have just acquired a pedigreed pup, as well as for prospective owners trying to decide on which breed to choose. Each book gives an in-depth presentation of the special needs and traits of a specific dog breed. Which are best with kids? Which make good working farm dogs? Which are good hunters? Is the breed ideal for an owner who merely wants a companionable house pet? Detailed understanding of the title breed's daily needs, special abilities, physical and personality traits, susceptibility to health problems, and the steps owners should take to ensure a happy relationship with dogs of all breeds. These hardcover and dust-jacketed volumes are filled with unusually attractive full-color photos and interesting sidebar features. Hardcover w/ jacket / 128 Pages / 7 3/4 x 9 1/2 / 2002