The most extensive line of basic pet information and training guides on the market, Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals are written by experts, and profusely illustrated with full-color photos and instructive, high-quality line art. Not one of Barron's Pet Owner's Manuals is a clone from a single common catch-all book, with one or two chapters added on to make it appear new. Instead, each Barron's manual has been planned, designed, and written from scratch?always by an experienced breeder, trainer, veterinarian, or qualified expert. Known ancestors of the modern Bloodhound date back at least as early as third century a.d. Rome. Best known for their trailing abilities, which make them popular search and rescue dogs, Bloodhounds are energetic and playful dogs, which makes them welcome pets in active families. Here is everything an owner needs to know about keeping a happy, healthy, active animal. Paperback / 120 Pages / 6 1/2 x 7 7/8 / 1998