The most extensive line of basic pet information and training guides on the market, Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals are written by experts, and profusely illustrated with full-color photos and instructive, high-quality line art. Each manual is individually written. Not one of Barron's Pet Owner's Manuals is a clone from a single common catch-all book, with one or two chapters added on to make it appear new. Instead, each Barron's manual has been planned, designed, and written from scratch?always by an experienced breeder, trainer, veterinarian, or qualified expert. This legendary breed is strictly for an owner who prefers a giant-size dog and has the space to keep one comfortably. The St. Bernard is noted for its congenial temperament and comes in both shorthaired and longhaired varieties. Here is detailed information on understanding this breed, as well as specific tips on selecting a puppy or dog. Paperback / 120 Pages / 6 1/2 x 7 7/8 / 1998