This is destined to be the classic work on training the Labrador retriever as an all-around hunting dog. Noted breeder and trainer Mike Gould takes us from the very beginning-selecting a puppy for athleticism, "birdyness," conformation, intelligence, and personality-to the end result, a top-flight, do-anything, go-anywhere Labrador shooting dog. Mike teaches his special techniques of using love, solid obedience and faithful attention to detail to build-brick by brick-a powerful, poised and confident gun dog that can handle any challenge, from quail, grouse and dove to geese, ducks, and even wild turkeys-yes, wild turkeys. Mike talks about the factors that other trainers overlook: habitat, terrain, scenting conditions, conformation, and most of all, birds. The book includes a stunning 16-page color section featuring the famous Grand River gun dogs, with photos by K.D. McGraw and Gary Hubbell.