This price is valid only online at Not available in stores at this price. For local in-store prices, please call your favorite Petco Store.Long-time breeder and fancier of west highland white terriers, Dawn Martin brings her decades of training and exhibiting dogs to A New Owner's Guide to West Highland White Terriers.This book, illustrated with over 150 spectacular color photographs, presents firsthand information on the characteristics and personality of the westie, selecting your dog, preparing for the puppy, daily care as well as health and dental hygiene. The author discusses grooming and training to keep your westie looking and behaving his best. Additionally, find out about the sport of competing with purebred dogs in various fields such as dog shows, obedience and agility trials and earth dog trials.Contents:Origin of the West Highland White TerrierStandard for the West Highland White TerrierLiving with a WestieSelecting a WestieWelcoming Your New WestieGrooming Your WestieBasic Training for Your WestieActivities for the WestieCollections and CollectiblesSport of Purebred DogsHealth CareDental Care for Your Dog's LifeIdentification and Finding the Lost DogTraveling with Your DogBehavior and Canine CommunicationSuggested ReadingIndex